Updated on 2023-03-23 GMT+08:00

Joining a Meeting Using a Random Code


The meeting link (for example, https://bmeeting.huaweicloud.com/#/j/981924330/e11ddec62ee760734fcf2ba55b79937eac2aa68677caf659) in the notification email contains the meeting ID (981924330) and random code (e11ddec62ee760734fcf2ba55b79937eac2aa68677caf659). You can call this API to join the meeting.

Function Prototype

joinConfByRandom(joinConfByRandomInfo: JoinConfByRandomInfo, onJoinConfByRandomResult?: (ret: SDKERR, reason: string) => void): voidjoinConfByRandom(joinConfByRandomInfo: JoinConfByRandomInfo, onJoinConfByRandomResult?: (ret: SDKERR, reason: string) => void): void

Request Parameters

Table 1 Input parameter description
Parameter Mandatory Type Description
joinConfByRandomInfo Y JoinConfByRandomInfo Information about joining a meeting using a random code.
onJoinConfByRandomResult Y (ret: SDKERR, reason: string) => void Callback of joining the meeting using the random code.
Table 2 JoinConfByRandomInfo
Parameter Mandatory Type Description
confId Y string Meeting ID.
random N string Mapping value of a 48-digit meeting password. The value comes from the end of the meeting link in the shared meeting information. If a meeting does not require a guest password, this parameter can be left blank.
nickName N string Display name in the meeting. If you have logged in, this parameter can be left blank. In such a case, the login username is used as the display name in the meeting. If you join the meeting anonymously, specify this parameter.
isSpeakerOff N boolean Whether to disable the speaker. The options are true (yes) and false (no).
isMicOn N boolean Whether to enable the microphone. The options are true (yes) and false (no).
isCameraOn N boolean Whether to enable the camera. The options are true (yes) and false (no).

Return Values


Callback Method Parameters

(ret: SDKERR, reason: string) => void

Table 3 Input parameter description
Parameter Type Description
ret For details about SDKERR, see Error Code Reference. Error code.
reason string Error description.