Updated on 2023-03-23 GMT+08:00

Canceling a Meeting


This API is used to cancel a scheduled meeting. 1. Call this API only after login. 2. Call this API to cancel a meeting that has not started. If the meeting has started, a failure message is returned.

Function Prototype

cancelConf(cancelConfParam: CancelConfParam, onCancelConfResult?: (ret: SDKERR, reason: string) => void): voidcancelConf(cancelConfParam: CancelConfParam, onCancelConfResult?: (ret: SDKERR, reason: string) => void): void

Request Parameters

Table 1 Input parameter description
Parameter Mandatory Type Description
cancelConfParam Y CancelConfParam Parameters for canceling a meeting.
onCancelConfResult Y (ret: SDKERR, reason: string) => void Callback of canceling the meeting.
Table 2 CancelConfParam
Parameter Mandatory Type Description
confId Y string Meeting ID.
isForceCancel N boolean Whether to forcibly cancel the meeting. You can forcibly cancel an ongoing meeting. (This parameter is valid only for the Windows platform.)

Return Values


Callback Method Parameters

(ret: SDKERR, reason: string) => void

Table 3 Input parameter description
Parameter Type Description
ret For details about SDKERR, see Error Code Reference. Error code.
reason string Error description.