Updated on 2022-07-11 GMT+08:00

Meeting ID Terms

Terms related to meeting IDs are as follows:

  • Meeting ID: generated by the system for a meeting created using concurrent participant resources or using a cloud meeting room resource and a random ID. Users can use this ID to join the meeting.
  • Cloud meeting room meeting ID: ID of meetings held using a cloud meeting room or personal meetings created by an account. If the ID is fixed, users can use it to join the meetings.
  • Meeting UUID: UUID generated by the system after a meeting starts. If a meeting with the same ID is held multiple times before the scheduled time (or before the host ends the meeting), multiple meeting UUIDs are generated. UUIDs are invisible to users.
  • Cloud meeting room ID: unique ID of a cloud meeting room or personal meetings. This ID is required in the meeting creation API when a meeting is created using a cloud meeting room or a personal meeting with a fixed ID is created using concurrent participant resources. This ID is invisible to users.

The following figure shows the relationship between these IDs.

Figure 1 Relationships between meeting IDs