Updated on 2022-07-11 GMT+08:00

70.8.5 Updates

The original Android support library is no longer maintained or evolved by Google. Therefore, Android 28 will be upgraded to Android X.

Since the 70.8.5 version released in August, Huawei Cloud Meeting will no longer be developed based on the support library. Instead, Android X will be used for iteration.

If you are still using the original Android support library dependency:

  • It is recommended that you change it to the Android X dependency. Otherwise, you may fail to connect to the Android X SDK version in subsequent development. For details, see Getting Started.
  • If you cannot upgrade to Android X as soon as possible, we will provide the original SDK developed based on the support library and maintain the SDK for six months. During the maintenance period, you can still integrate our SDK of 70.7.5 and earlier versions for development. Issues found in these versions will be fixed and updated. However, new functions in later iterations will be implemented only on the SDK of Android X.

If you have any questions, dial 4000-955-988 or 950808 and press 1.

1. Since this version, the Android SDK is switched to the Android X dependency. For details, see Getting Started.

2. You can obtain the participant list in meetings and webinars. For details, see Obtaining the Participant List.