Help Center/ Meeting/ Client SDK Reference/ macOS SDK/ Notification Reference/ Sharing Notification/ Custom Meeting Information Sharing Notification
Updated on 2023-03-23 GMT+08:00

Custom Meeting Information Sharing Notification

Notification Description

A notification is sent when the external app displays the page for sharing meeting information. The sharing page settings, including the size, display position, and time of display and hiding, are controlled by the external app when the pointer is placed on the title bar.

This API is mainly used for Electron JavaScript implementation. For native implementation, use the Meeting Information Sharing Notification API.

Method Definition

- (void)showSocialShareView:(NSPoint)point shareInfo:(HWMConfStateInfo *)confInfo;
Table 1 Parameter description






Pointer position.


HWMConfStateInfo *

Details about the ongoing meeting.


  1. Set the HWMSocialShareHandler proxy during SDK initialization or set the proxy on the target page.
  2. You only need to implement either the method for meeting information sharing notification or the one for custom meeting information sharing notification. If both methods are implemented, only the meeting information in showSocialShareView: shareInfo is used for sharing.