Updated on 2022-07-28 GMT+08:00


FRS SDKs use FRS RESTful APIs to simplify development. Currently, the FRS has a Java SDK.

Mappings Between Services and APIs

Table 1 lists the mappings between the FRS sub-services and APIs.

Table 1 Mappings between services and APIs



Face Detection

POST /v2/{project_id}/face-detect

Face Verification

POST /v2/{project_id}/face-compare

Face Retrieval

POST /v2/{project_id}/face-sets/{face_set_name}/search

Face LiveDetect

Action live detecting

POST /v1/{project_id}/live-detect

Facial Image Library Management

Creating a facial image library

POST /v2/{project_id}/face-sets

Querying all facial image libraries

GET /v2/{project_id}/face-sets

Querying a facial image library

GET /v2/{project_id}/face-sets/{face_set_name}

Deleting a facial image library

DELETE /v2/{project_id}/face-sets/{face_set_name}

Facial Resource Management

Adding faces

POST /v2/{project_id}/face-sets/{face_set_name}/faces

Querying a face

GET /v2/{project_id}/face-sets/{face_set_name}/faces?offset=xxx&limit=xxx

Updating a face

PUT /v2/{project_id}/face-sets/{face_set_name}/faces

Deleting a face

DELETE /v2/{project_id}/face-sets/{face_set_name}/faces?field_name=field_value

Deleting faces in batches

DELETE /v2/{project_id}/face-sets/{face_set_name}/faces/batch