Updated on 2024-04-22 GMT+08:00

Step 2: Select Objects for Migration


  • If the source database type is Oracle and the target database type is distributed GaussDB, you can select a distributed mapping for TABLE objects.
  • If the source database type is GoldenDB or MySQL (its version is earlier than 8.0), there are no ROLE objects in the source database. UGO does not collect ROLE objects and the number of ROLE objects displayed is 0.
  • If you want to migrate data, you are advised to skip the trigger migration temporarily. Otherwise, triggers may change data during the migration. After the data migration is complete, migrate the triggers.


  • The project status is Ready, the target database information is correct, and the connection test is successful.
  • The target database user must have the permission to create, delete, and modify databases objects, such as schemas, tables, programs, indexes, users, functions, and views. For details, see Viewing the Permission Check Report.


  1. On the Object Migration page, locate the project that you want to migrate and click Migrate in the Operation column.

    On the Conversion Plan page, the collection objects and types for the project are displayed on the left. For details about the object information, see Viewing Evaluation Project Details.
    Figure 1 Configuring a conversion plan
    • You can search for objects by date or object name, or filter objects by schema, object status, or conversion status.

  2. Select object types to be migrated.

    • To select the type of objects to be migrated, click Select Migration Object Types. At least one object type must be selected for migration.
    • If Object Status of objects is Abnormal, their Conversion Status is Skip. It means that abnormal objects cannot be converted.
    • If your migration task is created in versions later than 2.23.T1031, the object status cannot be Duplicate. Objects that should be in the Duplicate state are now in the Normal state and they are converted and migrated by default. However, objects in historical migration tasks remain in the Duplicate state after the version upgrade. The Duplicate option is no longer displayed in the Object Status drop-down list for new and historical migration tasks.
    • Oracle as the source database type and GaussDB as the target database type: If you locate an object whose type is USER and click Skip Conversion, the following message is displayed, indicating that after USER migration is ignored, you need to locate the Support for connection feature in the Conversion Config page, and set sysadmin as the user to create and execute the GaussDB script. Otherwise, the migration may fail.

  3. (Optional) Click User Password in the upper left corner and configure the password.

    Figure 2 Configuring USER password
    • User Password is unavailable if the target database is RDS for PostgreSQL Enhanced Edition.
    • If you want to convert the object type USER, you must set a password to complete the conversion. The same password will be used for all USER object creation on the target database. After the migration, the individual user passwords must be changed manually. If you do not want to convert the object type USER, select the desired USER objects and click Skip Conversion. Then, the Conversion Status of the objects becomes Skip. To continue the conversion, select the desired objects and click Convert.
    • You are advised to use SSL connection. If non-SSL connection is used, the password will be transmitted as plain text as part of the database connection and any SQL statements involving a password will be insecure.
    • After the password is configured, it cannot be changed again until after the migration is complete.
    • The password can consist of 8 to 32 characters and contain at least three types of the following characters: uppercase letters, lowercase letters, digits, and special characters (~!@#$%^&*()-_=+\|[{}];:,<.>/?). Spaces are not allowed. The password can contain up to three consecutive characters.