Updated on 2024-06-17 GMT+08:00

Before You Start

Flexus X Instance (FlexusX) is a lightweight cloud server designed for small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and developers. It is easy-to-use and suitable for light-load scenarios such as website setup, development and testing environments, enterprise applications, website analysis, and audio and video services.

This section helps you quickly understand and use FlexusX instances.

Billing Modes

FlexusX instances support the yearly/monthly and pay-per-use billing modes to meet your requirements in different scenarios. You can change the billing mode from yearly/monthly to pay-per-use, and vice versa.

Usage Process

  1. Make preparations.

    Before purchasing a FlexusX instance, sign up for a HUAWEI ID, enable Huawei Cloud services, and top up your account. For details, see Preparations.

  2. Purchase a FlexusX instance.

    On the FlexusX console, select the desired region, instance specifications, image, required duration, quantity, and other parameters required for purchasing a FlexusX instance. For details, see Step 1: Purchase a FlexusX Instance.

  3. Log in to the FlexusX instance.

    Log in to the instance and set up applications such as e-commerce websites, web applications, and learning or development and testing environments. For details, see Step 2: Log In to a FlexusX Instance.

  4. Perform follow-up operations.

    The following table describes related operations on FlexusX instances. After creating a FlexusX instance, you can manage it as required, such as resetting its password, reinstalling its OS, and attaching EVS disks to it.



    Managing FlexusX Instances

    After creating a FlexusX instance, you can perform the following operations on the instance as required:
    • View its configurations.
    • Reset its password.
    • Reinstall its OS.
    • Change its OS.
    • Modify its specifications.
    • Create a FlexusX instance group.

    Managing Images

    You can use a private image of a cloud server to create a FlexusX instance with the same configurations, or use the private image of a FlexusX instance to create a cloud server with the same configurations.

    Managing EVS Disks

    If the EVS disk capacity of an existing FlexusX instance cannot meet your storage requirements, you can purchase a data disk or expand the capacity of an existing data disk. You can also attach an existing EVS disk to the instance.

    Managing Backups

    You can create a cloud backup to back up your FlexusX instance data at any time. If the instance is faulty, data can be restored using the backup to ensure service security.

    Managing VPCs

    FlexusX instances support the Virtual Private Cloud (VPC). You can perform the following operations on FlexusX instances as required:
    • Attach an extension network interface.
    • Change its VPC.
    • Modify its private IP address.
    • Apply for and bind a virtual IP address.

    Managing Security Groups

    A security group is a collection of access control rules for cloud resources, such as cloud servers, containers, and databases, that have the same security protection requirements and that are mutually trusted. After a security group is created, you can configure access rules that will apply to all cloud resources added to this security group.

    Managing EIPs

    To enable a FlexusX instance to access the Internet, you need to bind an EIP to the instance. After that, you can modify the bandwidth or unbind the EIP from the instance when it is not required.

    Managing Server Security

    Host Security Service (HSS) is designed to improve the overall security of FlexusX instances. It helps you eliminate risks and defend against intrusions and web page tampering. There are also advanced protection and security operations functions available to help you easily detect and handle threats.

    Managing Server Monitoring

    You can use Cloud Eye to monitor the resource usage and statuses of FlexusX instances, and respond to exceptions in a timely manner to ensure smooth service operation.

    Adding and Resolving a Domain Name

    If you set up a website, you can add and resolve a domain name for a FlexusX instance. In this case, users of the website can use the domain name to access the website. If the website is only used for personal development or testing, there is no need to add a domain name.

    Installing an SSL Certificate

    If you need to enable HTTPS on your website, install an SSL certificate. Huawei Cloud Certificate Manager (CCM) provides one-stop, full-lifecycle management of digital certificates to ensure trusted authentication and secure data transmission for websites. For details, see About SCM and SSL Certificate Usage.


For more FAQs, see FlexusX FAQs.

Feedback and Suggestions

If you have any questions or suggestions when purchasing or using FlexusX instances, provide feedback in any of the following ways. We will provide professional technical support and high-quality product experience.

  • Service ticket: The service ticket system provides 24/7 services. You can submit a service ticket to report technical issues or faults and quickly get technical help.
  • After-sales hotline: The after-sales hotline provides 24/7 support. If you have any questions about account, finance, and billing, dial 4000-955-988 or 4000-950-808 and then dial 3.
  • Document feedback: If you find any problem with the product documentation, such as incorrect links or content, you can provide feedback by either of the following:
    • Select the document content and click Feedback.
    • Click Provide feedback at the bottom of the page.