Updated on 2023-04-11 GMT+08:00


If you are connecting to an instance using Java, an SSL certificate is optional, but downloading an SSL certificate and encrypting the connection will improve the security of your instance. SSL is disabled by default for newly created instances, but you can enable SSL by referring to Enabling or Disabling SSL. SSL encrypts connections to databases but it increases the connection response time and CPU usage. For this reason, enabling SSL is not recommended.


Familiarize yourself with:

  • Computer basics
  • Java code

Using an SSL Certificate

If you connect to a cluster instance using Java, the format of code is as follows:
Table 1 Parameter description




Current username.


Password for the current username


If you attempt to access the instance from an ECS, set instance_ip to the private IP address displayed on the Basic Information page of the instance to which you intend to connect.

If you intend to access the instance through an EIP, set instance_ip to the EIP that has been bound to the instance.

If multiple host addresses are required, list the addresses in the format of <instance_ip1>:<instance_port1>,<instance_ip2>:<instance_port2>....... Example: mongodb://username:*****@127.***.***.1:8635,127.***.***.2:8635/?authSource=admin


Database port displayed on the Basic Information page. Default value: 8635


Name of the database to be connected.


Authentication user database. The value is admin.


Connection mode. true indicates that the SSL connection mode is used.

Use the keytool to configure the CA certificate. For details about the parameters, see Table 2.
keytool -importcert -trustcacerts -file <path to certificate authority file> -keystore <path to trust store> -storepass <password>
Table 2 Parameter description



<path to certificate authority file>

Path for storing the SSL certificate.

<path to trust store>

Path for storing the truststore. Set this parameter as required, for example, ./trust/certs.keystore.


Custom password.

Set the JVM system properties in the program to point to the correct truststore and keystore:
  • System.setProperty("javax.net.ssl.trustStore","<path to trust store>");
  • System.setProperty("javax.net.ssl.trustStorePassword","<password>");
For details about the Java code, see the following example:
public class Connector {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        try {
            System.setProperty("javax.net.ssl.trustStore", "./trust/certs.keystore");
            System.setProperty("javax.net.ssl.trustStorePassword", "123456");
            ConnectionString connString = new ConnectionString("mongodb://<username>:<password>@<instance_ip>:<instance_port>/<database_name>?authSource=admin&ssl=true");
            MongoClientSettings settings = MongoClientSettings.builder()
                    .applyToSslSettings(builder -> builder.enabled(true))
                    .applyToSslSettings(builder -> builder.invalidHostNameAllowed(true))
            MongoClient mongoClient = MongoClients.create(settings);
            MongoDatabase database = mongoClient.getDatabase("admin");
            //Ping the database. If the operation fails, an exception occurs.
            BsonDocument command = new BsonDocument("ping", new BsonInt64(1));
            Document commandResult = database.runCommand(command);
            System.out.println("Connect to database successfully");
        } catch (Exception e) {
            System.out.println("Test failed");

Connection Without the SSL Certificate

You do not need to download the SSL certificate because certificate verification on the server is not required.

If you connect to a cluster instance using Java, the format of code is as follows:
Table 3 Parameter description




Current username.


Password for the current username


If you attempt to access the instance from an ECS, set instance_ip to the private IP address displayed on the Basic Information page of the instance to which you intend to connect.

If you intend to access the instance through an EIP, set instance_ip to the EIP that has been bound to the instance.

If multiple host addresses are required, list the addresses in the format of <instance_ip1>:<instance_port1>,<instance_ip2>:<instance_port2>....... Example: mongodb://username:*****@127.***.***.1:8635,127.***.***.2:8635/?authSource=admin


Database port displayed on the Basic Information page. Default value: 8635


Name of the database to be connected.


Authentication user database. The value is admin.

For details about the Java code, see the following example:
public class Connector {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        try {
            ConnectionString connString = new ConnectionString("mongodb://<username>:<password>@<instance_ip>:<instance_port>/<database_name>?authSource=admin");
            MongoClientSettings settings = MongoClientSettings.builder()
            MongoClient mongoClient = MongoClients.create(settings);
            MongoDatabase database = mongoClient.getDatabase("admin");
            //Ping the database. If the operation fails, an exception occurs.
            BsonDocument command = new BsonDocument("ping", new BsonInt64(1));
            Document commandResult = database.runCommand(command);
            System.out.println("Connect to database successfully");
        } catch (Exception e) {
            System.out.println("Test failed");