Help Center> Distributed Cache Service> Getting Started> Step 2: Buy a Redis Instance
Updated on 2023-09-08 GMT+08:00

Step 2: Buy a Redis Instance

This section describes how to buy a single-node DCS Redis 5.0 basic edition instance on the DCS console.


  • To achieve fine-grained management of your HUAWEI CLOUD resources, create IAM user groups and users and grant specified permissions to the users. For details, see Permission Management.
  • You have prepared necessary resources.


  1. Go to the Buy DCS Instance page.
  2. Select the billing mode.
  3. Select a region closest to your application to reduce latency and accelerate access.
  4. Configure the instance. For details, see Table 1.

    Table 1 Instance configuration



    Cache Engine

    The default value is Redis.


    Select Basic.

    CPU Architecture

    The default value is x86.


    Select 5.0.

    Instance Type

    Select Single-node.


    Retain the default AZ.

    Instance Specification

    In this example, select the flavor for 128 MB cache size.


    Select the prepared VPC and subnet.

    To access a DCS Redis instance in an ECS, select the VPC where the ECS is.

    IP Address

    You can select Automatically-assigned IP address or Manually-specified IP address. You can use the default port 6379 or enter a different number.

    In this example, select Automatically-assigned IP address and use the default port 6379.


    Name of the instance.

    Enterprise Project

    The default value is default.

    If you cannot select an enterprise project, see Why Can't I Select the Required Enterprise Project When Creating a DCS Instance?

    Password Protected

    You can select Yes or No.

    If you select Yes, enter Password and Confirm Password.

    Parameter Configuration

    Select Default templates.


    One instance will be created by default, and you can buy up to 100 DCS instances at a time.

    (Optional) More Settings

    Click to expand More Settings. You can set Description, Command Renaming, Maintenance, and Tag.

    In this example, you can skip these settings. After the instance is created, you can configure your instances on the console. For details, see Renaming Commands, Managing Tags, and Modifying Maintenance Window.

  5. Click Next.
  6. Confirm the instance information, and click Submit.

    The instances have been created successfully if they are in the Running state.

  7. Return to the Cache Manager page to view and manage your DCS instances.