Help Center> CodeArts Artifact> Getting Started> Uploading/Obtaining an RPM Component Using Linux Commands
Updated on 2023-05-06 GMT+08:00

Uploading/Obtaining an RPM Component Using Linux Commands

This section describes how to use Linux commands to upload a component to a self-hosted RPM repo and obtain a dependency from the repository.


  1. An RPM component is available.
  2. A Linux host that can connect to the public network is available.
  3. You have created a self-hosted RPM repo.
  4. You have permissions for the current self-hosted repo. For details, see Managing User Permissions.

Releasing a Component to a Self-Hosted RPM Repo

  1. Log in to the CodeArts homepage and access the self-hosted repo for RPM. Click on the right of the page and choose Set Me Up from the drop-down list.

  2. In the dialog box that is displayed, click Download Configuration File.

  3. On the Linux host, run the following command to upload an RPM component:

    curl -u {{user}}:{{password}} -X PUT https://{{repoUrl}}/{{component}}/{{version}}/ -T {{localFile}}

    In this command, user, password, and repoUrl can be obtained from the RPM upload command in the configuration file downloaded in the previous step.

    • user: character string before the colon (:) between curl -u and -X
    • password: character string after the colon (:) between curl -u and -X
    • repoUrl: character string between https:// and /{{component}}

    component, version, and localFile can be obtained from the RPM component. The hello-0.17.2-54.x86_64.rpm component is used as an example.

    • component: software name, for example, hello.
    • version: software version, for example, 0.17.2.
    • localFile: RPM component, for example, hello-0.17.2-54.x86_64.rpm.

    The following figure shows the complete command.

  4. After the command is successfully executed, go to the self-hosted repo and find the uploaded RPM component.

Obtaining a Dependency from a Self-Hosted RPM Repo

The following procedure uses the RPM component released in Releasing a Component to a Self-Hosted RPM Repo as an example to describe how to obtain a dependency from a self-hosted RPM repo.

  1. Download the configuration file of the self-hosted RPM repo by referring to Releasing a Component to a Self-Hosted RPM Repo.
  2. Open the configuration file, replace all {{component}} in the file with the value of {{component}} (hello in this file) used for uploading the RPM file, delete the RPM upload command, and save the file.

  3. Save the modified configuration file to the /etc/yum.repos.d/ directory on the Linux host.

  4. Run the following command to download the RPM component: Replace hello with the actual value of component.

    yum install hello