Updated on 2022-07-26 GMT+08:00

Creating an ECS Server

Create an ECS by referring to the Elastic Cloud Server User Guide. The following table lists the created flavors.

TPC-DS and TPC-H data sets occupy large space. For example, TPC-DS 1000X and TPC-H 1000X occupy 930 GB and 1100 GB, respectively. Therefore, select a suitable data disk when creating an ECS. Fore example:

  • Performing TPC-DS or TPC-H test: 2 ultra-high I/O 600 GB data disks
  • Performing TPC-DS and TPC-H tests: 2 ultra-high I/O 1200 GB data disks
Table 1 ECS specifications

Billing mode



CN-Hong Kong



CPU architecture



Kunpeng General Computing-Plus | kc1.8xlarge.2 32vCPUs|64 GiB


EulerOS: 2.8 64bit with ARM (40 GB)

Data disk

The system disk uses general-purpose SSD 40 GB. Data disks should be:

  • 2 ultra-high I/O 600 GB data disks when TPC-DS or TPC-H test is performed.
  • 2 ultra-high I/O 1200 GB data disks when both TPC-DS and TPC-H tests are performed.