Updated on 2024-06-26 GMT+08:00

Function Overview

The Organizations service provides the following functions:

  • Centralized account management

    Invite multiple accounts to join an organization or create accounts in the organization and then group them hierarchically to meet enterprise management or operational requirements.

  • Centralized action control per account

    The organization administrator uses service control policies (SCPs) to limit the permissions that can be assigned to an organization or the OUs in an organization. The SCPs limit which cloud service consoles and APIs the member accounts in the organization can access.

  • Integration with other Huawei Cloud services

    Integrate Organizations with other Huawei Cloud services (trusted services) to enable the services to perform organization-wide operations. For details about trusted services and related operations, see Trusted Services for Organizations.

Table 1 Organizations functions




Organization management

You can create an organization and invite other accounts to join your organization. You can also view details about your organization, root OU, other OUs, and accounts. If the organization is no longer needed, you can delete it.

Managing Organizations

OU management

You can use your management account to add, modify, view, and delete OUs.

Managing OUs

Account management

You can use your management account to invite member accounts to join your organization, create accounts, close accounts, change the OU holding member accounts, view details about the member accounts, remove member accounts, and enable or disable regions.

Managing Accounts

Service control policies

You can use your management account to create, modify, and delete SCPs, and also to attach SCPs to or detach SCPs from OUs and accounts.

Managing SCPs

Tag policies

You can use your management account to create, modify, and delete tag policies, and also to attach tag policies to or detach tag policies from OUs and accounts.

Managing Tag Policies

Trusted services

You can use your management account to enable or disable a trusted service for Organizations and also to designate a member account as the delegated administrator of that trusted service.

Managing Trusted Services

Tag management

You can use tags to identify and search for cloud resources. You can add tags to the following organization entities: root OU, other OUs, accounts, and service control policies (SCPs).

Managing Tags