Updated on 2023-06-26 GMT+08:00

Basic Concepts

Device, Cloud, and Edge

Devices include cameras and other user devices, cloud indicates Huawei Cloud, and edge refers to Huawei intelligent edge devices.


A skill is an AI application ready to run on a camera or another compute device. It consists of a model and logic code. The logic code is the skill's framework that governs how the skill behaves, including data reading, model import, model inference, and result output. The model is an AI algorithm trained using big data and handles inference while the skill is running.

  • The application scenarios for HiLens skills include smart campus, smart home, smart vehicle-mounted terminals, smart shopping mall, and more.
  • Skills are divided into two types by device: skills for Ascend chips and skills for HiSilicon Hi35xx series chips.

HiLens Kit

Huawei HiLens development suite, specifically, intelligent cameras that integrate Huawei HiSilicon Ascend chips and adopt deep learning to deliver high-performance inference and image and video analysis capabilities, helping users quickly install and deploy AI skills.

HiLens Framework

A development framework that encapsulates basic components and provides easy-to-use APIs, enabling developers to focus more on their service applications and improving experience and efficiency.

Skill Output

On the Data Management page of HiLens, you can download device data and see how your skills have performed.

Skill Template

Skill templates that come with the platform can be used to quickly develop new skills. A skill template contains the skill code and all the necessary parameter settings.