Updated on 2024-07-18 GMT+08:00


Elastic Resource Pool Specifications

An elastic resource pool provides compute resources (CPU and memory) for running DLI jobs. The unit is CU. One CU contains one CPU and 4 GB memory.

You can create multiple queues in an elastic resource pool. Compute resources can be shared among queues. You can properly set the resource pool allocation policy for queues to improve compute resource utilization.

DLI offers compute resources in the specifications listed in Table 1.

Table 1 Elastic resource pool specifications



Notes and Constraints

Use Case


16–64 CUs

  • High reliability and availability are not supported.
  • Queue properties and job priorities cannot be set.
  • Notebook instances cannot be interconnected with.

For other notes and constraints on using an elastic resource pool, see Notes and Constraints on Using an Elastic Resource Pool.

This edition is suitable for testing scenarios with low resource consumption and low requirements for resource reliability and availability.


64 CUs or higher

For notes and constraints on using an elastic resource pool, see Notes and Constraints on Using an Elastic Resource Pool.

This edition offers powerful computing capabilities, high availability, and flexible resource management. It is suitable for large-scale computing tasks and business scenarios with long-term resource planning needs.