Updated on 2023-08-21 GMT+08:00


DCS supports the pay-per-use mode and yearly/monthly billing mode. For details, see Product Pricing Details.

The billing modes available on the console vary by region. Some regions do not support the yearly/monthly billing mode.

Billing Items

DCS usage is billed by DCS instance specification.

Billing Item


DCS instance

Billing based on DCS instance specifications.

Note: HUAWEI CLOUD DCS charges based on the selected DCS instance specifications instead of the actual cache capacity.

Billing Modes

DCS provides two billing modes: pay-per-use and yearly/monthly. Pay-per-use is recommended if you are unsure of your future service needs and want to avoid paying for unused resources. However, if you are sure of your needs, yearly/monthly will be less expensive.

  • Yearly/Monthly: Provides a larger discount than pay-per-use mode and is recommended for long-term users.
  • Pay-per-use (hourly): You can start and stop DCS instances as needed and will be billed based on the duration of your use of DCS instances. Billing starts when a DCS instance is created and ends when the DCS instance is deleted. The minimum time unit is one second.
  • You can switch between the yearly/monthly and pay-per-use modes.

Configuration Changes

You can change the specifications of a DCS Redis or Memcached instance, that is, scale up or down an instance and change the instance type. After you successfully change the specifications, the instance is billed based on new specifications. For details, see Modifying DCS Instance Specifications.


You can renew a resource package upon its expiration, or you can set auto-renewal rules for a resource package. For more information about renewing resource packages, see Renewal Management.


For more information about DCS billing, see the Purchasing and Billing FAQs.