Help Center> Distributed Cache Service> Service Overview> Comparing DCS and Open-Source Cache Services
Updated on 2023-08-21 GMT+08:00

Comparing DCS and Open-Source Cache Services

DCS supports single-node, master/standby, and cluster instances, ensuring high read/write performance and fast data access. It also supports various instance management operations to facilitate your O&M. With DCS, you only need to focus on the service logic, without concerning about the deployment, monitoring, scaling, security, and fault recovery issues.

DCS is compatible with open-source Redis and Memcached, and can be customized based on your requirements. This renders DCS unique features in addition to the advantages of open-source cache databases.

DCS for Redis vs. Open-Source Redis

Table 1 Differences between DCS for Redis and open-source Redis


Open-Source Redis

DCS for Redis

Service deployment

Requires 0.5 to 2 days to prepare servers.

  • A DCS Redis 3.0 or 6.0 professional instance is deployed on VMs and can be created in 5 to 15 minutes.
  • DCS Redis 4.0/5.0/6.0 basic instances are containerized and can be created in 8 seconds.



Deeply engaged in the open-source community and supports the latest Redis version. Currently, Redis 3.0/4.0/5.0/6.0 are supported.


Network and server safety is the user's responsibility.

  • Network security is ensured using HUAWEI CLOUD VPCs and security groups.
  • Data reliability is ensured by data replication and scheduled backup.



100,000 QPS per node. DCS for Redis 6.0 can reach 400,000 QPS per node.


Provides only basic statistics.

Provides more than 30 monitoring metrics and customizable alarm threshold and policies.

  • Various metrics
    • External metrics include the number of commands, concurrent operations, connections, clients, and denied connections.
    • Resource usage metrics include CPU usage, physical memory usage, network input throughput, and network output throughput.
    • Internal metrics include instance capacity usage, as well as the number of keys, expired keys, PubSub channels, PubSub patterns, keyspace hits, and keyspace misses.
  • Custom alarm thresholds and policies for different metrics to help identify service faults.

Backup and restoration


  • Supports scheduled and manual backup. Backup files can be downloaded.
  • Backup data can be restored on the console.

Parameter management

No visualized parameter management

  • Visualized parameter management is supported on the console.
  • Configuration parameters can be modified online.
  • Data can be accessed and modified on the console.


Interrupts services and involves a complex procedure, from modifying the server RAM to modifying Redis memory and restarting the OS and services.

  • Supports online scale-up and scale-down without interrupting services.
  • Specifications can be scaled up or down within the available range based on service requirements.


Manual O&M

24/7 end-to-end O&M services

DCS for Memcached vs. Open-Source Memcached

Table 2 Differences between DCS for Memcached and open-source Memcached


Open-Source Memcached

DCS for Memcached

Service deployment

Requires 0.5 to 2 days to prepare servers.

Creates an instance in 5 to 15 minutes.


Network and server safety is the user's responsibility.

  • Network security is ensured using HUAWEI CLOUD VPCs and security groups.
  • Data reliability is ensured by data replication and scheduled backup.



100,000 QPS per node


Provides only basic statistics.

Provides more than 30 monitoring metrics and customizable alarm threshold and policies.

  • Various metrics
    • External metrics include the number of commands, concurrent operations, connections, clients, and denied connections.
    • Resource usage metrics include CPU usage, physical memory usage, network input throughput, and network output throughput.
    • Internal metrics include instance capacity usage, as well as the number of keys, expired keys, PubSub channels, PubSub patterns, keyspace hits, and keyspace misses.
  • Custom alarm thresholds and policies for different metrics to help identify service faults.

Backup and restoration

Not supported

  • Supports scheduled and manual backup.
  • Backup data can be restored on the console.

Visualized maintenance

No visualized parameter management

  • Visualized parameter management is supported on the console.
  • Configuration parameters can be modified online.


Interrupts services and involves a complex procedure, from modifying the server RAM to modifying Redis memory and restarting the OS and services.

  • Supports online scale-up without interrupting services.
  • Specifications can be scaled up or down within the available range based on service requirements.


Manual O&M

24/7 end-to-end O&M services

Data persistence

Not supported

Supported for master/standby instances