Updated on 2023-09-12 GMT+08:00


After purchasing an MRS cluster, if the current billing mode cannot meet service requirements, you can change the billing mode of the cluster. The corresponding IaaS infrastructure resource fee changes accordingly. MRS only allows you to change the billing mode of pay-per-use clusters to yearly/monthly. Table 1 lists the MRS billing items that support this billing mode change. You can change the billing mode of MRS clusters from pay-per-use to yearly/monthly to enjoy certain price discounts.

Table 1 MRS billing items whose billing modes can be changed

Billing Item

Change description


MRS management fee

Changing the billing mode of an MRS cluster will also change the billing mode of MRS management.

Pay-per-Use to Yearly/Monthly

Elastic Cloud Servers

Changing the billing mode of an MRS cluster will also change the billing mode of ECSs in the cluster.

EVS disk

Changing the billing mode of an MRS cluster will also change the billing mode of the EVS disks attached to the ECSs in the cluster.

The billing mode of a pay-per-use non-shared EVS disk cannot be changed to yearly/monthly independently. Instead, it must be changed to yearly/monthly together with the ECS. After the change, the expiration time of the EVS disk is the same as that of the ECS.