Updated on 2024-05-07 GMT+08:00


Billing Items

To use Huawei Cloud GaussDB(DWS), you only need to pay for the data warehouse node flavor you choose and corresponding resources you use. For more GaussDB(DWS) pricing details, see the GaussDB(DWS) pricing details. You can use the price calculator of GaussDB(DWS) to quickly obtain an estimated price of a cluster with the flavor you choose.

Table 1 GaussDB(DWS) billing items

Billing Item


Billing Mode


Data warehouse node

Pay for the node flavor you choose. To learn more, see the GaussDB(DWS) pricing details.

For details about the preceding billing modes, see Billing Modes.

Yearly/Monthly and pay-per-use

Unit price of a node x Billing duration

Snapshot storage space

GaussDB(DWS) provides some free-of-charge storage space for you to store the snapshot data. However, if you use more space than the free-of-charge storage space, the exceeded part is charged according to OBS billing rules. For details, see the OBS pricing details.

The free-of-charge space is the same as the size of the total storage space of your cluster. (Free-of-charge space = Storage space of a single node x Number of nodes)


Storage unit price x Storage capacity x Billing duration

Standard data warehouse storage

You can customize the storage type and capacity used by the cluster. The storage resources are charged separately. To learn more, see the GaussDB(DWS) pricing details.

Yearly/Monthly and pay-per-use

Hot data storage capacity unit price x Hot data storage capacity x Number of nodes x Number of data copies x Billing duration

OBS hot data storage

You can customize the storage type and capacity used by the cluster. The storage resources are charged separately based on the discount packages.

Discount package

Hot data storage capacity (GB) x OBS hot data storage capacity price x Billing duration (hour) x Purchase quantity

Cold storage

OBS is used to store cold data, which is cost-effective. The storage fees of pay-per-use clusters are charged per use.


Cold data storage capacity unit price x Cold data storage capacity x Number of nodes x Number of data copies x Billing duration

(Optional) EIP and bandwidth

  • Bind an EIP to a GaussDB(DWS) cluster. The EIP is billed according to VPC EIP pricing rules. To learn more, see the EIP pricing details.
  • You are not billed for the traffic generated by the GaussDB(DWS) cluster on the Huawei Cloud internal network.

Yearly/Monthly and pay-per-use

Tiered billing based on the fixed bandwidth:

  • 0 Mbit/s to 5 Mbit/s (included): billed at a fixed unit price per Mbit/s
  • Greater than 5 Mbit/s: billed at a different price per Mbit/s

(Optional) Elastic load balance (ELB)

Fees are charged based on the actual usage duration. For details, see Elastic Load Balance Pricing Details:

  • LCU fee: You are charged based on the number of loadbalancer capacity units (LCUs) used by a dedicated load balancer per hour.
  • Instance fee: You are charged for the duration that each dedicated load balancer is running. If the load balancer is used for less than 1 hour, you will be charged for the actual duration, accurate to seconds.


Fees are charged based on the actual usage duration.

  • LCU fee: You are charged based on the number of loadbalancer capacity units (LCUs) used by a dedicated load balancer per hour.
  • Instance fee: You are charged for the duration that each dedicated load balancer is running. If the load balancer is used for less than 1 hour, you will be charged for the actual duration, accurate to seconds.

(Optional) Database encryption key

If the Encrypt DataStore function is enabled when you create a GaussDB(DWS) cluster, keys of Key Management Service (KMS) are required to encrypt and decrypt the database. The keys are billed according to DEW billing rules. For details, see the DEW pricing details.


Key Management Service (KMS) enabled:

  • Number of keys: Key instances that have been successfully created or imported are billed on a pay-per-use basis. Prices are calculated by hour, and no minimum fee is required.
  • Number of API requests: The first 20,000 API requests are free of charge. Additional API calls are charged. The unit is 10,000 calls.