Updated on 2024-07-25 GMT+08:00


In this document, you will learn about the billing modes, billing items, renewal, and arrears of CodeArts.

  • Billing Modes

    CodeArts uses yearly/monthly billing, which is a prepaid mode. You need to pay first, and will be billed based on the required duration in your order. Ensure that your account balance is sufficient.

  • Billing Items

    The billing items of CodeArts include the number of users. For details, see Billing Items.

  • Renewal

    CodeArts cannot run after the yearly/monthly subscription expires. To continue using CodeArts, renew the subscription before it expires. Otherwise, the resources such as code repositories and build tasks will be automatically released, and your data may be lost. You can renew your subscription manually or automatically. For details, see Introduction.

  • Bills

    To learn about your expenditures, go to Billing Center > Billing, and view the transactions and billing details related to CodeArts. For details, see Bills.

  • Arrears

    If you also purchase pay-per-use resources of other services when using CodeArts, additional fees may be incurred. Your account goes into arrears when the balance is less than the bill to be settled. This may affect CodeArts package change and renewal. Top up your account in time. For details, see Arrears.

  • Stopping Billing

    To avoid unexpected bills, you can unsubscribe from your CodeArts resources if they are no longer needed. For details, see Stopping Billing.

  • Cost Management

    CodeArts does not support enterprise projects and tags, and costs cannot be allocated by resource. CodeArts can only be used as part of the public costs in your enterprise.


To learn about the price of CodeArts, visit CodeArts Pricing Details.