Updated on 2025-01-07 GMT+08:00


You can view CodeArts PerfTest transactions and detailed bills on the Bills & Costs > Bills > Billing page.

Bill Reporting Period

The usage of pay-per-use resources is reported to the billing system at fixed intervals. Pay-per-use resources can be settled by hour, day, or month. CodeArts PerfTest pressure tests are billed by the second and settled by the hour. For example, if you stop a test task at 08:30, the fees generated from 08:00 to 09:00 are usually deducted at about 10:00. On the Billing & Costs > Bills > Billing > Expenditure Items page, Expenditure Time for CodeArts PerfTest tests whose Billing Mode is Pay-per-Use is the usage duration.

Viewing Transactions and Detailed Bills

  1. Log in to the CodeArts PerfTest console.
  2. Choose Billing & Costs > Bills > Billing.

    • On the Expenditure Items page, specify a billing cycle, and select Service Type and CodeArts PerfTest in the filter box to view the CodeArts PerfTest transaction bills in the corresponding billing cycle.
    • On the Expenditure Details page, specify a billing cycle, set display options and data period, and select Service Type and CodeArts PerfTest in the filter box to view all CodeArts PerfTest expenditure details.