Help Center/ Content Delivery Network/ Billing/ OBS Billing for CDN Acceleration
Updated on 2024-05-15 GMT+08:00

OBS Billing for CDN Acceleration

If you store content in OBS buckets for users to download, you are advised to use OBS together with CDN to improve the download speed and save traffic costs.

Billing Rules

  • CDN charges you for traffic generated when users access CDN PoPs.
  • OBS charges you for outbound traffic to CDN PoPs.

The following figure shows the billing.

Special Offers

OBS provides pull packages to reduce your traffic costs. Traffic generated during origin pull will be preferentially deducted from pull packages. For details, see OBS Pricing Details.

Important Notes

To use an OBS bucket as the origin server, you can set the origin server type to OBS bucket or Domain name. For details, see Modifying Origin Server Details. The OBS bucket version or the way domain names access CDN determines whether you can purchase OBS pull traffic packages.

  • If you set the origin server type to OBS bucket and select an OBS bucket of 3.0 or later version, you can buy OBS pull traffic packages.
  • If you set the origin server type to OBS bucket and select an OBS bucket of earlier than 3.0, or set the type to Domain name and enter the domain name of an OBS bucket, you cannot use OBS pull traffic packages. You are charged based on the billing standard of Internet outbound traffic.
  • Purchase a pull traffic package in the region where your OBS bucket is located. Otherwise, traffic cannot be deducted from the traffic package.