Updated on 2024-03-15 GMT+08:00



You need to install the Agent on the source server. During the Agent installation, you need to enter the AK/SK pair of your account. After the Agent is started successfully, it automatically reports source server information to SMS. All collected data is used for migration only. For details, see What Information Does SMS Collect About Source Servers?



  1. Log in to the management console.
  2. Click Service List. Under Migration, click Server Migration Service.
  3. In the navigation pane on the left, choose Agents.
  4. Run any of the following commands to download the Agent installation file. You can also, in the Linux area of the Agents page, click to copy the command for downloading the installation file.

    wget -t 3 -T 15 https://sms-agent-bucket-2.obs.my-kualalumpur-1.myhuaweicloud.com/SMS-Agent.tar.gz

    curl -O https://sms-agent-bucket-2.obs.my-kualalumpur-1.myhuaweicloud.com/SMS-Agent.tar.gz

  5. Run the command following SHA256 File. Use the hash value contained in the SHA256 file to verify the integrity of the Agent installation package. For details, see How Do I Verify the Integrity of the Agent Installation File?
  6. On the source server, decompress the installation package.

    tar -zxvf SMS-Agent.tar.gz

  7. Switch to the SMS-Agent directory on the source server.

    cd SMS-Agent

  8. Start the Agent.


  9. Carefully review the description of what information will be collected by the Agent, enter y, and press Enter.
  10. Enter the AK/SK pair of the account and the SMS domain name in the region you are migrating to. You can obtain the SMS domain name on the Agents page of the SMS console.

    When the following information is displayed, the Agent has been started up and will automatically start reporting source server information to SMS.