Help Center/ MapReduce Service/ User Guide (Kuala Lumpur Region)/ MRS Cluster Component Operation Guide/ Using Sqoop/ Common Issues About Sqoop/ What Should I Do If Data Failed to Be Synchronized to a Hive Parquet Table Using HCatalog?
Updated on 2022-12-14 GMT+08:00

What Should I Do If Data Failed to Be Synchronized to a Hive Parquet Table Using HCatalog?


When the partition fields in a Hive parquet table are not of the string type, data in the table can be synchronized only using HCatalog. What should I do if the following error message is displayed during data synchronization?


  1. Delete the restricted code in the SqoopHCatUtilities class of Sqoop.
  2. Change the value of the hive.metastore.integral.jdo.pushdown parameter in the hive-site.xml file on the Hive client to true.