Updated on 2022-12-14 GMT+08:00

Adding a Tenant


Based on the resource consumption and isolation plan and requirements of services, administrators can create tenants on FusionInsight Manager to meet actual application scenarios.


  • A tenant name has been planned based on service requirements. The name cannot be the same as that of a role, HDFS directory, or Yarn queue that exists in the current cluster.
  • Resources to be allocated to the current tenant have been planned to ensure that the sum of capacities of direct sub-tenants at every level cannot exceed the current tenant.


  1. On FusionInsight Manager, click Tenant Resources.
  2. Click . On the displayed page, configure tenant properties based on Table 1.

    Table 1 Tenant parameters




    Select the cluster for which you want to create a tenant.


    • Specifies the name of the current tenant. The value consists of 3 to 50 characters, which can be letters, digits, or underscores (_).
    • Plan a tenant name based on service requirements. The name cannot be the same as that of a role, HDFS directory, or Yarn queue that exists in the current cluster.

    Tenant Type

    Specifies whether the specified tenant is a leaf tenant.

    • When Leaf Tenant is selected, the current tenant is a leaf tenant and no sub-tenant can be added.
    • When Non-leaf Tenant is selected, the current tenant is not a leaf tenant and sub-tenants can be added to the current tenant.

    Computing Resource

    Specifies the dynamic computing resources for the current tenant.

    • When Yarn is selected, the system automatically creates a task queue in Yarn and the queue is named the same as the name of the tenant.
      • A leaf tenant can directly submit tasks to the task queue.
      • A non-leaf tenant cannot directly submit tasks to the task queue. However, Yarn adds an extra task queue (hidden) named Default for the non-leaf tenant to record the remaining resource capacity of the tenant. Actual tasks do not run in this queue.
    • When dynamic resources are not Yarn resources, the system does not automatically create a task queue.

    Configuration Mode

    Indicates the configuration mode of computing resource parameters.

    • If you select Basic, you only need to set Default Resource Pool Capacity (%).
    • If you select Advanced, you can manually configure the resource allocation weight and the minimum, maximum, and reserved resources of a tenant.

    Default Resource Pool Capacity (%)

    Specifies the computing resource usage in the default resource pool of the current tenant. The value ranges from 0 to 100%.


    Resource allocation weight. The value ranges from 0 to 100.

    Minimum Resource

    Resources guaranteed for the tenant resource (preemption supported). The value can be a percentage of the parent tenant resource's resources or an absolute value. When a tenant resource has a light workload, the resources of the tenant resource are automatically allocated to other tenant resources. When the available resources of the tenant resource do not meet the minimum threshold, the tenant resource can preempt the resources lent to other tenant resources.

    Maximum Resource

    Maximum resources that a tenant resource can use. The value can be a percentage of the parent tenant resource's resources or an absolute value.

    Reserved Resource

    Resources reserved for a tenant resource. Even when a tenant resource has no workload, other tenant resources cannot use the reserved resources of the tenant resource. The value can be a percentage of the parent tenant resource's resources or an absolute value.

    Storage Resource

    Specifies storage resources of the current tenant.

    • When HDFS is selected, the system automatically allocates storage resources.
    • When HDFS is not selected, the system does not automatically allocate storage resources.


    Specifies the file and directory quantity quota.

    Space Quota

    Specifies the used HDFS storage space quota of the current tenant.

    • Value range: When Space Quota unit is set to MB, this parameter ranges from 1 to 8796093022208. When Space Quota unit is set to GB, this parameter ranges from 1 to 8589934592.
    • This parameter indicates the maximum HDFS storage space that can be used by the tenant, but does not indicate the actual space used.
    • If the value is greater than the size of the HDFS physical disk space, the maximum space that can be used is all the HDFS physical disk space.

    Storage Path

    Specifies the HDFS storage directory for a tenant.

    • The system creates a file folder named after the tenant name in the /tenant directory by default. For example, the default HDFS storage directory for ta1 is /tenant/ta1.
    • When a tenant is created for the first time, the system creates the /tenant directory in the HDFS root directory. The storage path is customizable.


    For details about whether to associate resources of other services, see 4.


    Configure the description of the current tenant.

    During the creation of a tenant, the system automatically creates a corresponding role, the computing resources, and the storage resources.

    • The new role has the rights on the computing resources and storage resources. The role and its rights are controlled by the system automatically and cannot be controlled manually under System > Permission > Role. The role name is tenant name_cluster ID. By default, the cluster ID of the first cluster is not displayed.
    • When using this tenant, create a system user and bind the user to the role of the tenant. For details, see Adding a User and Binding the User to a Tenant Role.
    • During the creation of a tenant, the system automatically creates a Yarn task queue named after the tenant. If the queue name exists, the new queue is named Tenant name-N. N indicates a natural number starting from 1. When a same name exists, the value N increases automatically to differentiate the queue from others. For example, saletenant, saletenant-1, and saletenant-2.

  3. Whether the current tenant need to associate resources of other services.

    • If yes, go to 4.
    • If no, go to 5.

  4. Click Associated Service to configure other service resources used by the current tenant.

    1. Select HBase in Service.
    2. Make a selection in Association Type:
      • Exclusive indicates service resources used by the tenant exclusively. Other tenants cannot associate with this service.
      • Share indicates shared service resources, which can be used by other tenants.
    • When creating a tenant, you can only associate HBase with the tenant. For existing tenants, you can associate the following services: HDFS, HBase, and Yarn.
    • Associating existing tenants with service resources: In the tenant list on the left of the Tenant Management page, click the target tenant. Then, switch to the Service Association tab page and click Associated Service to associate the current tenant with service services.
    • Canceling the association between existing tenants and service resources: In the tenant list on the left of the Tenant Management page, click the target tenant. Then, switch to the Service Association tab page, click Delete, select I have read the information and understand the impact., and click OK to cancel the association with service.
    1. Click OK.

  5. Click OK. When Tenant created successfully. is displayed on the page, the tenant is added successfully.