• A-E
      Data disk image

      A data disk image only contains user service data. You can export service data on data disks of an ECS by creating a data disk image. A data disk image can be used to create EVS disks to migrate user service data.


      • F
        Full-ECS image

        A full-ECS image is an image created from an entire Elastic Cloud Server (ECS), including its system disk and data disks. A full-ECS image contains the OS of the ECS, applications installed on the ECS, and all the data in the ECS disks.

      • I
        Image file

        An image file is a template that can be used to create ECSs. It contains an OS and preinstalled applications.

        Image Management Service

        Image Management Service (IMS) allows you to manage the lifecycle of images. You can create ECSs or BMSs from a public, private, or shared image. You can also create a private image from an ECS or external image file.


        See Image Management Service


        • P
          Private image

          A private image is created from an ECS or an external image file and is visible only to its creator. Each private image contains an OS, preinstalled public applications, and the creator's private applications. Creating ECSs using a private image frees you from repeatedly configuring ECSs.

          Public image

          A public image is provided by the public cloud system. It contains a standard OS and preinstalled public applications, and is visible to all users. You can configure the application environment and required software based on your requirements.

        • S
          System disk image

          A system disk image contains an OS for running services and application software. It can be used to create system disks, and can also be directly used to create ECSs. Through system disk images, you can migrate your service running environment to the cloud.