Help Center> ImageSearch> FAQs> API FAQs> What If an Image Search API Fails to Be Called?
Updated on 2022-02-22 GMT+08:00

What If an Image Search API Fails to Be Called?

Locating Cause

  1. Check whether your account is in arrears. If the account balance is insufficient, top up the account. For details, see Topping Up an Account.
  2. When creating and calling an OBS bucket, ensure that the OBS bucket and Image Search are in the same region. For example, CN-Hong Kong. For details, see Regions and Endpoints.
  3. Locate the cause based on the API call result or error code. For details, see Error Codes.
  4. Check whether AK and SK have been obtained. For details about how to obtain them, see Obtaining the AK/SK.
  5. Check whether the token is correct or has expired.
  6. Check whether the API calling method is correct. For details, see Image Search API Reference.

Contacting Customer Service

If you fail to locate the cause and rectify the fault, contact customer service.

