Help Center> Host Security Service (Old)> FAQs> Alarm and Event Management> Intrusions> What Should I Do If I Find My Servers Attacking Others?
Updated on 2022-08-11 GMT+08:00

What Should I Do If I Find My Servers Attacking Others?

If your servers are launching attacks, they may be infected with Trojans. You are advised to reinstall the OS and set strong passwords to harden the servers and applications such as phpStudy and Redis. Countermeasures include:

  • Set strong passwords for all accounts. Do not use default passwords or other passwords that are easy to guess.
  • Configure security group policies. Set fixed access IP addresses for non-public service ports to avoid its exposure to the Internet.
  • Update the system and applications, installing the latest patches in a timely manner.
  • Regularly back up data.
  • Delete or rename the phpmyadmin folder.

Intrusions FAQs
