Updated on 2024-07-10 GMT+08:00


How Is the Data Package Provided by FlexusL Billed?

  • Only outbound traffic (originating from your server) will be billed.
  • The data package included in the FlexusL service package is a monthly package. A monthly data package starts on the date of purchase and ends at 23:59:59 on the same day of the next month. For example, if you purchase a FlexusL instance at 10:00:00 on June 5, the expiration time of the package is at 23:59:59 (the last second of the day) on July 5. The package for the next month starts from 23:59:59 on July 5 to 23:59:59 on August 5.
  • Service traffic is preferentially deducted from the data package. Any traffic usage in excess of the package is billed by traffic. The excess traffic is billed based on a tiered pricing model, and the unit price varies in different regions.

    For details about the unit price of traffic, see EIP Pricing Details. The EIP type is dynamic BGP.

  • The traffic quota is reset each month. Any unused portion of the data package cannot be rolled over to the next month.
  • After you unsubscribe from or stop a FlexusL instance, the excess traffic will no longer generate costs.

How Do I View the Traffic Usage of My FlexusL Instance?

  1. Log in to the FlexusL console.
  2. Click the target instance name. On the Overview page, view the traffic usage in the Data Package area.
    • Available: The remaining traffic in the monthly data package.
    • Used: The traffic volume that has been used in the current month.
    • Traffic usage: The traffic usage in the current month, which can be calculated using the following formula: Traffic usage = Used traffic/Available traffic

Can I Purchase a Data Package Separately?

No. A FlexusL instance provides a monthly fixed data package.

Service traffic is preferentially deducted from the data package. Any traffic usage in excess of the package is billed by traffic. The excess traffic is billed based on a tiered pricing model, and the unit price varies in different regions.

You can upgrade the instance specifications to increase the data package. For details, see Upgrading a FlexusL Instance.