Updated on 2024-04-07 GMT+08:00

Step 2: Create a Kafka Instance

This section takes the example of creating a Kafka v2.7 instance to describe how to create a Kafka instance on the console.



  1. Log in to the Kafka console, then click Create Instance in the upper right corner of the page.
  2. Select a region closest to your application to reduce latency and accelerate access.
  3. Select a project from the Project drop-down list.
  4. Select one AZ or at least three AZs.
  5. Specify the instance name and the enterprise project.
  6. Set the instance information. For details, see Table 1.

    Table 1 Setting instance information




    Select 2.7.

    Fixed once the instance is created. Use the same version as your client.

    CPU Architecture

    Select x86.

    Broker Flavor

    Select kafka.2u4g.cluster.


    Enter 3

    Storage space per broker

    Select Ultra-high I/O and enter 100 GB.

    Total storage space = Storage space per broker × Broker quantity. After the instance is created, you cannot change the disk type.

    Disk Encryption

    Do not enable disk encryption.

    Capacity Threshold Policy

    Select Automatically delete.

  7. Configure the instance network. For details, see Table 2.

    Table 2 Configuring instance network




    Select the created VPC and subnet.

    You cannot change the VPC and subnet after the instance is created.

    Security Group

    Select the created security group.

  8. Configure the username and password for logging in to Kafka Manager. The Kafka Manager username cannot be changed once an instance is created.

    Kafka Manager is an open-source tool for managing Kafka clusters. After a Kafka instance is created, you can go to the instance details page to obtain the address for logging in to Kafka Manager. In Kafka Manager, you can view the monitoring statistics and broker information of your Kafka clusters.

  9. Click Advanced Settings. For more information, see Table 3.

    Table 3 Advanced settings



    Public Access

    Do not enable it.

    Kafka SASL_SSL

    Enable SASL_SSL.

    This setting is fixed once the instance is created.


    Enable SASL/PLAIN.

    Enable SASL/PLAIN to support both SCRAM-SHA-512 (enabled by default) and PLAIN.


    The username will be used for accessing the instance.


    The password will be used for accessing the instance.

    Automatic Topic Creation

    Do not enable it.


    Skip it.


    Skip it.

  10. Click Create Now.
  11. Confirm the instance information.
  12. Return to the Kafka Premium page and check whether the instance has been created.

    It takes 3 to 15 minutes to create an instance. During this period, the instance status is Creating.

    • If the instance is created successfully, its status changes to Running.
    • If an instance fails to be created, view it in the Instance Creation Failures area and delete it. Then create a new one. If the instance creation fails again, contact customer service.

      Instances that fail to be created do not occupy other resources.

Follow-Up Procedure

(Optional) Step 3: Create a Topic