Updated on 2022-02-21 GMT+08:00

Modifying Personal Information


  1. Choose System > System Settings > Personal Settings from the main menu.

    • When you modify your personal information, such as mobile numbers and email addresses, you are obligated to take considerable measures, in compliance with the laws of the countries concerned and the user privacy policies of your company, to ensure that your personal data is fully protected.
    • To ensure the security of personal information, such as mobile numbers and email addresses, these data is anonymized on the page, and HTTPS encryption transmission channels are used.

  2. In the navigation pane, choose Modify Personal Info.
  3. On Modify Personal Info, modify personal information as required.

    If the SMS and email verification codes cannot be obtained, ensure that the remote notification function is configured correctly.

    Table 1 Parameter description




    Associate Mobile Number

    Mobile number associated with a user account.

    • Editing the mobile number
    1. Click Edit.
    2. Verify the identity information as prompted and click Next.
    3. Select a country or region code and enter a new mobile number.
    4. Click Send Code and enter the obtained verification code to verify that the mobile number is valid.
    5. Click OK.
    • Verifying the mobile number
    1. Click Verify.
    2. Click Send Code and enter the obtained verification code to verify that the mobile number is valid.
    3. Click OK.

    Associate Email Address

    Email address associated with a user account.

    • Editing the email address
    1. Click Edit.
    2. Verify the identity information as prompted and click Next.
    3. Enter a new email address.
    4. Click Send Code and enter the obtained verification code to verify that the email address is valid.
    5. Click OK.
    • Verifying the email address
    1. Click Verify.
    2. Click Send Code and enter the obtained verification code to verify that the email address is valid.
    3. Click OK.

    Auto-Logout If No Activity Within

    If a user does not perform any operation within the period specified by this parameter after login, the user will be logged out. This parameter can be set for local users and remote users. The default value for the third-party user is 30 minutes and cannot be changed.

    1. Click the drop-down list and select a value for Auto-Logout If No Activity Within.
    2. Click Save.

    Max. Online Sessions

    You can set the maximum number of online sessions. This parameter is unselected by default, indicating that the maximum number of online sessions of an account is not limited. If this parameter is enabled, the default value is 1, and the value range is from 1 to 500.

    • If this parameter is set to 1, Login when maximum online sessions already in use can be Not allowed or Log out of the session.
    • If this parameter is set to a value from 2 to 500, Login when maximum online sessions already in use is set to Not allowed and cannot be changed.
    1. Select Max. online sessions to enable this function.
    2. Set the number of maximum online sessions.
    3. Click Save.

    Welcome Message

    You can set the information to be displayed upon the next login.

    1. Click Edit.
    2. Enter the information to be displayed upon the next login.
    3. Click OK.