Updated on 2023-10-18 GMT+08:00

Development Specifications

Development Language

Using Java to develop microservices.

Requirements for Microservice Development Framework of a

The following table lists the recommended versions of the microservice development framework.

  • If you have used the microservice development framework of an earlier version to build applications, you are advised to upgrade it to the recommended version to obtain the stable and rich function experience.
  • If an application has been developed using the Spring Cloud microservice development framework, you are advised to use Spring Cloud Huawei to access the application.
  • If new microservice applications are developed based on open source and industry ecosystem components, you are advised to use the Spring Cloud framework.
  • If you want to use the out-of-the-box governance capability and high-performance RPC framework provided by microservice engines, you are advised to use the Java chassis framework.


Recommended Versions


Spring Cloud Huawei

1.10.9-2021.0.x or later

Uses Spring Cloud Huawei for connection.

  • Spring Cloud version 2021.0.5
  • Spring Boot 2.6.13

Version description of the Spring Cloud microservice development framework: https://github.com/huaweicloud/spring-cloud-huawei/releases

Java Chassis

2.7.10 or later

Uses the software package provided by the open-source project for connection without introducing third-party software packages.

Version description of the Java chassis microservice development framework: https://github.com/apache/servicecomb-java-chassis/releases.

During system upgrade and reconstruction, third-party software conflict is the most common issue. Traditional software compatibility management policies do not adapt to software development for fast software iteration. In this case, see Third-Party Software Version Management Policy for version compatibility.