Updated on 2022-06-01 GMT+08:00

Scala Sample Code

Function Description

The JDBC API of the user-defined client is used to submit a data analysis task and return the results.

Sample Code

  1. Define an SQL statement. SQL must be a single statement and cannot contain ";". Example:

    val sqlList = new ArrayBuffer[String]
    sqlList += "LOAD DATA INPATH '/home/data' INTO TABLE CHILD"
    sqlList += "SELECT * FROM child"
    sqlList += "DROP TABLE child"
    • The data file in the sample project must be placed in the home directory of the host where the JDBCServer is located.
    • Ensure that the user and user group of the local data file are the same as those of the created table.

  2. Build JDBC URL.

    In HA mode, the host and port of the URL must be ha-cluster.

    For a normal cluster, you need to change the 61st and 62nd lines (as shown in the following) of com.huawei.bigdata.spark.examples.ThriftServerQueriesTest.scala in the sample code from

    val sb = new StringBuilder("jdbc:hive2://ha-cluster/default"

    + securityConfig)

    to val sb = new StringBuilder("jdbc:hive2://ha-cluster/default").

    val HA_CLUSTER_URL = "ha-cluster"
    val sb = new StringBuilder(s"jdbc:hive2://$HA_CLUSTER_URL/default;")
    val url = sb.toString()

  3. Load the Hive JDBC driver.


  4. Obtain the JDBC connection, execute the HiveQL statement, return the queried column name and results to the console, and close the JDBC connection.

    In network congestion, configure a timeout interval for a connection between the client and JDBCServer to avoid a client suspension due to timeless wait of the return result from the server. The configuration method is as follows:

    Before using the DriverManager.getConnection method to obtain the JDBC connection, add the DriverManager.setLoginTimeout(n) method to configure a timeout interval. n indicates the timeout interval for waiting for the return result from the server. The unit is second, the type is Int, and the default value is 0 (indicating never timing out).

    var connection: Connection = null
    var statement: PreparedStatement = null
    try {
      connection = DriverManager.getConnection(url)
      for (sql <- sqls) {
        println(s"---- Begin executing sql: $sql ----")
        statement = connection.prepareStatement(sql)
        val result = statement.executeQuery()
        val resultMetaData = result.getMetaData
        val colNum = resultMetaData.getColumnCount
        for (i <- 1 to colNum) {
          print(resultMetaData.getColumnLabel(i) + "\t")
        while (result.next()) {
          for (i <- 1 to colNum) {
            print(result.getString(i) + "\t")
        println(s"---- Done executing sql: $sql ----")
    } finally {
      if (null != statement) {
      if (null != connection) {