Updated on 2024-05-10 GMT+08:00

Manage Customer Budgets

Service Object


Scenario Description

A customer's budget is used to control the total expenditures of a customer. A customer can purchase and renew cloud services on the partner sales platform only when the customer's account has sufficient budget.

If a customer is associated to a partner for the first time, the partner needs to configure a budget for the customer.

A partner can query and adjust the budgets of its customers on the partner sales platform. If the customer's budget cannot meet the customer's requirements, the partner needs to adjust the budget.

API Invoking Process

Development Suggestions

  • Customers' budgets are used to control the customers' total expenditures of each month. Partners need to configure proper budgets for the customers based on actual requirements.
  • If the partner sales platform detects that a customer's budget is less than or equal to 0, the customer is forbidden to purchase or renew resources.
  • The API for configuring customer's budgets is invoked when a partner sets the budget for a customer for the first time or adjusts the budget.