Updated on 2022-02-24 GMT+08:00


The information to be obtained before development is as follows:

  • Huawei LiteOS and LiteOS SDK source code. The general project architecture is as follows:

├── arch //Architecture-related files

│ ├── arm

│ └── msp430

├── build

│ └── Makefile

├── components //Various LiteOS components

│ ├── connectivity

│ ├── fs

│ ├── lib

│ ├── log

│ ├── net

│ ├── ota

│ └── security

├── demos //Sample programs

│ ├── agenttiny_lwm2m //All sample programs listed in this chapter are from the agent_tiny_demo.c file in this directory.

│ ├── agenttiny_mqtt

│ ├── dtls_server

│ ├── fs

│ ├── kernel

│ └── nbiot_without_atiny

├── doc //Documents

│ ├── Huawei_LiteOS_Developer_Guide_en.md

│ ├── Huawei_LiteOS_Developer_Guide_zh.md

│ ├── Huawei_LiteOS_SDK_Developer_Guide.md

│ ├── LiteOS_Code_Info.md

│ ├── LiteOS_Commit_Message.md

│ ├── LiteOS_Contribute_Guide_GitGUI.md

│ ├── LiteOS_Supported_board_list.md

│ └── meta

├── include //Header files required by projects

│ ├── at_device

│ ├── at_frame

│ ├── atiny_lwm2m

│ ├── atiny_mqtt

│ ├── fs

│ ├── log

│ ├── nb_iot

│ ├── osdepends

│ ├── ota

│ ├── sal

│ └── sota

├── kernel //System kernels

│ ├── base

│ ├── extended

│ ├── include

│ ├── los_init.c

│ └── Makefile

├── LICENSE //Licenses

├── osdepends //Dependencies

│ └── liteos

├── README.md

├── targets //BSP projects

│ ├── Cloud_STM32F429IGTx_FIRE

│ ├── Mini_Project

│ ├── NXP_LPC51U68

│ └── STM32F103VET6_NB_GCC

└── tests //Test cases

├── cmockery

├── test_agenttiny

├── test_main.c

├── test_sota

└── test_suit

To obtain the source code, visit https://github.com/LiteOS/LiteOS.

  • Integration development tools:
    • MDK 5.18 or later, which can be downloaded from http://www2.keil.com/mdk5
    • MDK packages

The licenses for MDK tools can be obtained from http://www2.keil.com/mdk5.