Updated on 2024-09-02 GMT+08:00

Hybrid Data Warehouse GUC Parameters


Parameter description: Specifies whether to start the automatic cleanup process (autovacuum).


Value range: Boolean

  • on indicates the database automatic cleanup process is enabled.
  • off indicates that the database automatic cleanup process is disabled.

Default value: on


Parameter description: Specifies the threshold of a small CU. A CU whose number of live tuples is less than the value of this parameter is considered as a small CU. This parameter is supported only by clusters of version or later.


Value range: an integer ranging from -1 to 5000

Default value: -1


Parameter description: Specifies the interval for clearing small CUs. Small CUs are merged at a specified interval. This parameter is supported only by clusters of version or later.


Value range: an integer ranging from 0 to 10080. The unit is minute.

Default value: 0


Parameter description: Specifies the maximum number of autovacuum worker threads that can run at the same time. The upper limit of this parameter is related to the values of max_connections and job_queue_processes.


Value range: an integer

  • The minimum value is 0, indicating that autovacuum is not automatically performed.
  • The theoretical maximum value is 262143, and the actual maximum value dynamically changes. Formula: 262143 - max_inner_tool_connections - max_connections - job_queue_processes - auxiliary threads - Number of autovacuum launcher threads - 1. The number of auxiliary threads and the number of autovacuum launcher threads are specified by two macros. Their default values in the current version are 20 and 2, respectively.

Default value: 4


Parameter description: Specifies the maximum number of concurrent automatic cleanup threads used for hstore tables in autovacuum_max_workers.


Value range: an integer

Default value: 1

To use HStore tables, set the following parameters, or the HStore performance will deteriorate severely. The recommended settings are as follows:

autovacuum_max_workers_hstore=3, autovacuum_max_workers=6, autovacuum=true


Parameter description: Specifies the number of HStore CU slots. The slots are used to store the update chain of each CU, which significantly improves the update and query efficiency.

To prevent excessive memory usage, the system calculates a slot value based on the memory size, compares the slot value with the value of this parameter, and uses the smaller value of the two.


Value range: an integer ranging from 100 to 100000

Default value: true


Parameter description: Specifies the GTM running mode in GaussDB(DWS). This parameter is supported by version 8.2.1 or later clusters.

  • GTM mode: In this mode, the GTM manages running transactions and allocates XIDs and CSNs in a unified manner.
  • GTM-Lite mode: The GTM is only responsible for XID allocation and CSN update, and is no longer responsible for global transaction management. The GTM-Lite mode applies to TP scenarios with high concurrency and short queries. It can improve query performance while ensuring transaction consistency.
  • GTM-Free mode: Distributed transactions support only external write consistency and do not support external read consistency. This mode does not take effect in hybrid data warehouses


Value range: enumerated values

  • gtm or 0: The GTM mode is enabled.
  • gtm-lite or 1: The GTM-Lite mode is enabled.
  • gtm-free or 2: The GTM-Free mode starts.

Default value: gtm

  1. Both GaussDB(DWS) and GTM have the gtm_option parameter with the same meaning. For GTM and GTM-Lite, the same mode must be set on GaussDB(DWS) and GTM. Otherwise, service errors may occur.
  2. The GTM-Free mode can be enabled by setting enable_gtm_free to on or gtm_option to gtm-free.
  3. To set the non-GTM-Free modes, set enable_gtm_free to off.
  4. The GTM-Free mode takes effect only in hybrid cloud and ESL scenarios.


Parameter description: Specifies the global OldestXmin maintenance period in GTM-Lite mode in the hybrid data warehouse. In each maintenance period, the CCN or FCN collects and delivers the values of global OldestXmin. This parameter is supported by version 8.2.1 or later clusters.

This parameter takes effect only in GTM-Lite mode. You are advised not to modify this parameter.


Value range: an integer ranging from 1 to INT_MAX. The unit is ms.

Default value: 5,000.


Parameter description: Specifies whether to enable batch upsert optimization for hstore tables, which can boost performance significantly if the front end guarantees that no two upsert operations affect the same row or column at the same time. You should turn on this parameter for such scenarios. This parameter is supported only in cluster 8.3.0 and later versions.


Value range: Boolean

on indicates that upsert optimization is enabled for hstore tables.

off indicates that the upsert process optimization on the hstore table is disabled and the old process is used.

Default value: off


Parameter description: This parameter specifies whether binlog tables can be created.


Value range: Boolean

  • on indicates that binlog tables can be created.
  • off indicates that binlog tables cannot be created.

Default value: off


Parameter description: This parameter specifies the duration for cyclically determining whether all binlog records are consumed during binlog table scaling or VACUUM FULL operations. This parameter is supported only by and later versions. Unit: second


Value range: an integer ranging from 0 to 86400

Default value: 3600


Parameter description: This parameter determines whether to automatically set bitmap columns by default when creating HStore Opt tables. This parameter is supported only by version or later.


Value range: Boolean

  • on indicates that the bitmap columns option is set by default.
  • off indicates that the bitmap columns option is not set by default.

Default value: off