Help Center> CloudPond> FAQs> CloudPond Overview> When Would I Need CloudPond?
Updated on 2024-05-17 GMT+08:00

When Would I Need CloudPond?

You can use CloudPond in the following scenarios:

  • Manufacturing: You can run applications on CloudPond if they need to frequently communicate with data centers with low latency, such as Manufacturing Execution System (MES) and Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA). CloudPond can smoothly access service systems such as OA and ERP on the central cloud to achieve IT/OT convergence.
  • Healthcare: You can deploy cloud services such as big data and machine learning in your local data center and store data locally for quick analysis and retrieval.
  • Online gaming: Online gaming requires low latency for extreme user experience. With CloudPond, game vendors can deploy servers close to end users to provide low-latency.
  • Mining: CloudPond can be deployed in branches or coal preparation plants around a large mining farm for low-latency applications and unified O&M.
  • Media and entertainment: With CloudPond, you can use GPU-accelerated ECSs locally for image processing and audio and video rendering. Real-time applications and real-time event stream processing applications can be deployed on CloudPond for ultra-low latency.
  • Security: You can use Huawei Cloud security services locally. These security services are managed on the central cloud and share virus libraries with the central cloud.
  • Intelligent data lake: A FusionInsight intelligent data lake can be deployed on CloudPond to provide a local big data platform for customers to store core service data. Huawei Cloud provides 24/7 O&M for the platform.

CloudPond Overview FAQs
