Help Center> GaussDB> Centralized_3.x> Schemas> DBE_PLDEVELOPER> DBE_PLDEVELOPER.gs_errors
Updated on 2024-05-07 GMT+08:00


Records errors that occur during PL/SQL object (stored procedure, function, package, and package body) compilation. For details, see the following column description.

After the plsql_show_all_error parameter is enabled, if an error occurs during compilation, the error is skipped and the compilation continues, and the error information is recorded in gs_errors. If the plsql_show_all_error parameter is disabled, and the value of behavior_compat_options is not skip_insert_gs_source, then an error is reported and related information is inserted into this table.

The owner of the table is the user who creates the table. Modifying the owner of the stored procedure or package does not modify the table information.

Table 1 DBE_PLDEVELOPER.gs_errors columns






Object ID.



ID of the user who creates the object.



Schema ID of an object.



Object name.



Object type (procedure/function/package/package body).



Line number.



Error message.

  1. If errors occur before AS/IS and after END when a packet header is created, the errors are not recorded in the gs_errors table. Instead, the error row numbers and content are directly returned on the client. The returned row numbers may be inaccurate. Some IS and END errors are not recorded in the gs_errors table.
  2. If errors occur before AS/IS and after END when a packet body is created, the errors are not recorded in the gs_errors table. Instead, the error row numbers and content are directly returned on the client. The returned row numbers may be inaccurate. Some IS and END errors are not recorded in the gs_errors table.
  3. If errors occur at the end of functions or stored procedures (after END) when a packet body is created, the errors are not recorded in the gs_errors table. Instead, the error row numbers and content are directly returned on the client. The row numbers may be inaccurate.
  4. If errors occur at the beginning of functions or stored procedures (before AS/IS) when a packet body is created, the error row numbers are incorrect.
  5. If a semicolon (;) is missing in the variable declaration when a packet header is created, the error is recorded in the gs_errors table but the row number is incorrect. If the parameter is enabled, the error is not recorded.
  6. In a stored procedure or function in the package body, the error declared by the autonomous transaction identifier PRAGMA AUTOMOUS_TRANSACTION may not be recorded in the gs_errors table.
  7. The client directly reports an error, but the gs_errors table does not record the error. If the row number reported by the client is incorrect, this requirement does not correct the row number.
  8. For an error in the middle of statements such as IF....THEN, FOR....LOOP, and WHEN.... THEN, or an EXCEPTION error, the error row number is in the current row instead of the row where the next semicolon is located.
  9. When the BEGIN in the stored procedure or function in the package is incorrect, the error row number is incorrect.