Updated on 2023-10-23 GMT+08:00

Character Types

GaussDB lists the character data types supported by Table 1. For string operators and related built-in functions, see Character Processing Functions and Operators.

Table 1 Character types



Storage Space




Fixed-length character string. Empty characters are filled in with blank spaces. n indicates the string length. If it is not specified, the default precision 1 is used.

The maximum size is 10 MB.



Variable-length string. In PostgreSQL-compatible mode, n indicates the string length. In other compatibility modes, n indicates the byte length.

The maximum size is 10 MB.


Variable-length string. It is the alias of the VARCHAR(n) type. n indicates the string length.

The maximum size is 10 MB.


Variable-length string. n indicates the string length.

The maximum size is 10 MB.


Variable-length string.

The maximum size is 1 GB minus 1 byte. However, the size of the column description header and the size of the tuple (less than 1 GB minus 1 byte) where the column is located must also be considered. Therefore, the maximum size of the TEXT type may be less than 1 GB minus 1 byte.


Big text object. It is the alias of the TEXT type.

The maximum size is 32 TB minus 1 byte. However, the size of the column description header and the size of the tuple (less than 32 TB minus 1 byte) where the column is located must also be considered. Therefore, the maximum size of the CLOB type may be less than 32 TB minus 1 byte.

  1. In addition to the restriction on the size of each column, the total size of each tuple cannot exceed 1 GB minus 1 byte and is affected by the control header information of the column, the control header information of the tuple, and whether null fields exist in the tuple.
  2. NCHAR is the alias of the bpchar type, and VARCHAR2(n) is the alias of the VARCHAR(n) type.
  3. Only advanced package dbe_lob supports CLOBs whose size is greater than 1 GB. System functions do not support CLOBs whose size is greater than 1 GB.

In GaussDB, there are two other fixed-length character types, as shown in Table 2. The name type exists only for the storage of identifiers in the internal system catalogs and is not intended for use by general users. Its length is currently defined as 64 bytes (63 usable characters plus terminator). The type "char" only uses one byte of storage. It is internally used in the system catalogs as a simplistic enumeration type.

Table 2 Special character types



Storage Space


Internal type for object names

64 bytes


Single-byte internal type

1 byte


-- Create a table.
openGauss=# CREATE TABLE char_type_t1 

-- Insert data.
openGauss=# INSERT INTO char_type_t1 VALUES ('ok');

-- Query data in the table.
openGauss=# SELECT ct_col1, char_length(ct_col1) FROM char_type_t1;
 ct_col1 | char_length 
 ok      |           4
(1 row)

-- Delete the table.
openGauss=# DROP TABLE char_type_t1;

-- Create a table.
openGauss=# CREATE TABLE char_type_t2  

-- Insert data.
openGauss=# INSERT INTO char_type_t2 VALUES ('ok');

openGauss=# INSERT INTO char_type_t2 VALUES ('good');

-- Specify the type length. An error is reported if an inserted string exceeds this length.
openGauss=# INSERT INTO char_type_t2 VALUES ('too long');
ERROR:  value too long for type character varying(5)
CONTEXT:  referenced column: ct_col1

-- Specify the type length. A string exceeding this length is truncated.
openGauss=# INSERT INTO char_type_t2 VALUES ('too long'::varchar(5));

-- Query data.
openGauss=# SELECT ct_col1, char_length(ct_col1) FROM char_type_t2;
 ct_col1 | char_length 
 ok      |           2
 good    |           4
 too l   |           5
(3 rows)

-- Delete data.
openGauss=# DROP TABLE char_type_t2;