Help Center> Content Delivery Network> FAQs> Security> What Security Capabilities (Anti-DDoS/CC Attack Defense/Anti-hotlinking) Does CDN Provide?
Updated on 2024-02-26 GMT+08:00

What Security Capabilities (Anti-DDoS/CC Attack Defense/Anti-hotlinking) Does CDN Provide?

  • By adding your domain name to Huawei Cloud CDN, you can have your origin IP address hidden to prevent the origin server from being exposed to attackers.
  • Huawei Cloud CDN has more than 2,000 points of presence (PoPs) on the entire network. CDN effectively relieves the pressure of DDoS/CC attacks on the origin server and prevents the origin server from being paralyzed due to attacks. If CDN PoPs fail to provide services due to heavy attack traffic, CDN will temporarily ban the domain name, change its status to Disabled, and disable the acceleration service for it. The domain name cannot be accessed but its configuration is retained.
  • CDN supports referer validation, IP address access control lists (ACLs), and token authentication. For details, see Access Control.

Security FAQs
