Help Center/ Cloud Certificate Manager/ FAQs/ SSL Certificate Approval/ What Can I Do After I Submit an SSL Certificate Application?
Updated on 2023-10-20 GMT+08:00

What Can I Do After I Submit an SSL Certificate Application?

After purchasing an SSL certificate, you need to apply for the certificate and submit it for approval. The certificate can be used only after it is approved.

After the certificate order is submitted for approval, you can view the next step in Status/Application Progress of the certificate in the certificate management list on the SCM console. The following are examples of some important operations:

  • Pending domain name verification: Domain name verification needs to be completed for a certificate based on the requirements of the CA after a certificate application request is submitted. For details, see Verify the Domain Ownership. The certificate application progress is 40%.
  • Pending organization verification: If you apply for an OV or EV certificate, the CA checks whether the organization has initiated the certificate application after domain name verification is complete. For details, see Verify the Organization. The certificate application progress is 70%.
  • To be issued: Operations, such as domain name verification and organization verification, have been completed. It is waiting for the CA to approve the certificate. Please wait. The certificate application progress is 90%.

After all information is verified, the certificate status changes to Issued.

OV, OV Pro, EV, and EV Pro Certificates

If you have purchased an OV, OV Pro, EV, or EV Pro certificate, you need to apply for the certificate, verify a domain name, and verify the organization as prompted in Status/Application Progress of the certificate on the SCM console.

After the preceding operations are complete, you need to wait patiently. The CA (the issuer of the certificate) may need a period of time to approve the certificate. Your digital certificate will be issued after it is approved by the CA.

During the validation, the CA will contact you using the phone number you provided to guide you through necessary operations. Make sure that you can be reached by phone.

DV (Basic) Certificates

If you have purchased a basic DV certificate, you need to apply for the certificate, verify a domain name, and verify the organization as prompted in Status/Application Progress of the certificate on the SCM console.

After the domain name verification is complete, your SSL certificate will be issued within one to two working days.

If your domain name contains some special words, such as bank, pay, or live, the manual review mechanism may be triggered, which takes a long time to issue the certificate.