EOS Announcement for DLI Flink 1.7
Huawei Cloud schedules an end of service (EOS) for DLI Flink 1.7 at 00:00 (GMT+08:00) on December 31, 2022.
After the EOS, no technical support will be provided for DLI Flink 1.7. You are advised to select the Flink engine of the latest version when executing jobs. DLI Flink 1.15 is recommended.
For jobs that are using Flink 1.7, switch to the Flink engine of the latest version as soon as possible. Otherwise, no technical support will be provided if an error occurs during job execution.
If you have any questions or suggestions, please submit a service ticket or call us on +86-4000-955-988 or +86-950-808.
- Which functions of Flink 1.7 will not be evolved?
- The Flink Edge SQL function will no longer be supported for edge job processing after Flink 1.7 EOS, and subsequent versions of Flink will not support it either.
- Similarly, the sensitive variable function will no longer be supported after Flink 1.7 EOS, and subsequent versions will not support it either.
- How does the EOS affect the jobs that are using Flink 1.7?
If a queue is created after the EOS of Flink 1.7, the compute engine that has reached EOS cannot be selected during job execution.
If you encounter any errors when Flink 1.7 is used to execute jobs on historical queues, note that this version will no longer receive any technical support. It is recommended that you switch to a later version of the compute engine as soon as possible.
- Which version can be used as a replacement after the EOS?
DLI Flink 1.15 is recommended.
- What are the advantages of Flink 1.12?
Flink 1.12 supports DataGen, GaussDB(DWS), JDBC, MySQL CDC, Postgres CDC, Redis, Upsert Kafka, and HBase source tables.
For more advantages, see Flink 1.12 Upgrade Guide.
- Does the upgrade of Flink affect the DLI resource price?
DLI bills you based on the amount of compute and storage resources consumed by jobs, regardless of the compute engine version.
- How do I upgrade Flink to version 1.12?
- On the DLI management console, buy an elastic resource pool and create queues within the pool to provide compute resources required for job execution.
- Log in to the DLI management console. In the navigation pane on the left, choose Job Management > Flink Jobs.
- On the displayed page, locate the target job and click Edit in the Operation column.
- On the page displayed, select the latest Flink version. Flink 1.15 is recommended.
Announcement published on: July 6, 2023
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