Help Center> Application Service Mesh> Product Bulletin> Product Notices> Retaining Key Running Configurations of Istio Operator
Updated on 2024-05-11 GMT+08:00

Retaining Key Running Configurations of Istio Operator

Service Notice

If Istio is installed using Istio Operator, the workloads of components (istiod, istio-ingressgateway, and istio-egressgateway) managed by Istio Operator need to be updated. In ASM of an earlier version, if the component is restarted, your running configurations may be reset to the default values. You are advised to upgrade the ASM version in a timely manner to avoid impacts on your services.

Trigger Conditions

ASM uses CRD resources of Istio Operator to configure mesh components. In ASM 1.8.4, if you modify the default key configuration of Istio Operator on the Workloads page in CCE, the configuration will be updated when Istio Operator restarts. The default configurations, such as the number of copies, scheduling policy, and resource limit, are also be overwritten.

Affected Versions

All ASM 1.8.4 versions.


To avoid configuration conflicts between multiple entries and ensure continuous and stable running of Istio workloads, you are advised to upgrade the ASM instance to 1.8.6 or later. For details, see Upgrading a Mesh. After the upgrade, Istio Operator protects key configurations.