Help Center> Partner Center> FAQs> Partner Benefit Request> Market Development Fund> What MDF Application Materials Are Needed?
Updated on 2024-04-29 GMT+08:00

What MDF Application Materials Are Needed?

Partners must strictly follow the acceptance requirements to provide proofs and summaries during MDF application for standardized management and closed-loop control.

Application Material Type


Authentic proofs

Event photo

  • Photos illustrate the activity theme, presenters, participants, and Huawei elements such as Huawei logo or banner, and presenters.
  • Photos illustrate the actual items money was spent on, including the venue, advertisements, marketing materials, and catering. For example, there may be photos of gifts or awards or raffle prizes.

Submit alternative authentic proofs, such as related contracts, screenshots, or original hotel bills if photos are not possible in the absence of tangible deliverables or for other reasons.

Sealed receipts

  • Expense details in the sealed receipts issued by the payee should precisely reflect the actual activity. For example, if "meal expenses" are incurred, the expense type must be "meal expenses" and cannot be changed to "accommodation expenses" or some other type of expenses. If a computer mouse is purchased as a gift, "mouse" must be printed on the receipts.
  • If information on receipts is inconsistent with the actual expense type, explain the reason and confirm the reason with the channel cooperation owner, and provide a confirmation email as a proof for reimbursement.

Scanned copy of invoices

  • The invoice title is the name of the HUAWEI CLOUD partner who hosted the activity, that is, the partner who submitted the MDF application e-flow.
  • The amount on invoices should be no less than the actual reimbursed amount in the application.

Advertisements and newsletters

Newsletters and advertisements on media, websites, publication, Weibo, WeChat together with related contracts, screenshots, or photos

Activity materials

Overall summary

An overall summary on the marketing activity, including when, where, and how it is held, who participate the activity, and evaluation on how well the activity is held

Attendance sheet

Attendance sheet of participants (If the attendance sheet cannot be provided, partners should explain why, for example, if participants signed in using WeChat.)


Partners need to record related opportunities as required if the target audience includes end customers.

Sponsorship contracts

Scanned copies of sponsorship contracts (sealed) are required if sponsorship fees involved.

Benefits listed in sponsorship contracts must have proofs such as photos.

Experience and reflection

A reflection on preliminary preparation and meeting agendas, highlighting what you learn from this activity to guide you to make it better next time

Customer feedback

Customers' feedback on this activity

Market Development Fund FAQs
