Updated on 2022-12-01 GMT+08:00

Registering a Device on ROMA Connect


After a device is registered on ROMA Connect, a unique ID and key are allocated to the device so that the device can access ROMA Connect.


  • ROMA Connect can communicate with the parking lot devices and the parking lot management system. If the ROMA Connect instances communicate with each other through the public network, an elastic IP address (EIP) must be bound to each instance.
  • Parking lot devices include parking space sensors and entrance and exit gate devices. The configuration processes are similar. The following describes how to configure parking space sensors.


  1. Create an integration application.
    1. Log in to the ROMA Connect console. On the Instances page, click View Console next to a specific instance.
    2. In the navigation pane on the left, choose Integration Applications. In the upper right corner of the page, click Create Integration Application.
    3. In the dialog box displayed, set Name and click OK.
  2. Define products on ROMA Connect based on the capability model of parking space sensors.
    1. In the navigation pane on the left, choose LINK > Product Management. On the page displayed, click Create Product in the upper right corner.
    2. In the Create Product dialog box, set product parameters and click OK.
      Table 1 Product parameters



      Product Type

      If the parking lot device is directly connected to ROMA Connect through the network, select Common.

      Protocol Type

      Set this parameter to MQTT because the parking lot device connects to ROMA Connect through the integrated MQTT client.

      Integration application

      Select the integration application created in 1.

      Product Template

      This parameter is not set in this practice.

      Product Name

      Enter the name of the product. It can be user-defined.

      Manufacturer Name

      Enter the manufacturer name of the parking lot device.

      Manufacturer ID

      Enter the manufacturer ID of the parking lot device.

      Product Model

      Enter the product model of the parking lot device.

      Device Type

      Select Default Type as the type of the access device.

      Model Version

      Enter the model version of the device. This parameter is not set in this practice.


      Enter a brief description of the product.

    3. On the Product Management page, click the Products tab and click the name of the product created in 2.b to access the product details page.
    4. On the Thing Model tab page, click Create.
    5. In the Create Thing Model Service dialog box, set thing model service parameters and click OK.
      Table 2 Thing model service configuration




      Name of the thing model service. Set this parameter as required, for example, ParkingStatus.


      This parameter specifies whether to enable the thing model service. Retain the default value Enabled.


      Enter a brief description of the thing model service.

    6. Select the thing model service created in 2.e, and click Create on the Attributes tab page of the thing model service on the right.
    7. In the Create Attribute dialog box, set attribute parameters and click OK.
      The following uses the configuration of the parking space sensor as an example. The parking space sensor reports the following information:
      • deviceId indicates the physical identifier of the device. The data type is String.
      • status indicates the parking space attribute. The data type is String. The value 0 indicates vacant, and 1 indicates occupied.
      Table 3 Service attribute configuration


      deviceId Description

      status Description


      Name of the attribute parameter reported by the device. Set this parameter to deviceId.

      Name of the attribute parameter reported by the device. Set this parameter to status.

      Data Type

      Select String as the data type of the attribute parameter reported by the device.

      Select String as the data type of the attribute parameter reported by the device.


      This parameter specifies whether the attribute must be reported by a device. Retain the default value, that is, the attribute must be reported by the device.

      This parameter specifies whether the attribute must be reported by a device. Retain the default value, that is, the attribute must be reported by the device.


      Enter a brief description of the attribute.

      Enter a brief description of the attribute.

      Max. Data Length

      Enter 64 as the maximum length of the attribute value.

      Enter 16 as the maximum length of the attribute value.

      Enumerated Value

      You do not need to set this parameter.

      Enumerated value of the attribute. Set this parameter to 0 or 1, indicating that the parking space is vacant or occupied.

  3. Register a device on ROMA Connect.
    Each parking lot device must be registered on ROMA Connect.
    1. In the navigation pane on the left, choose LINK > Device Management. On the page displayed, click Create Device in the upper right corner.
    2. In the Create Device dialog box, set device parameters and click OK.
      Table 4 Device configuration



      Integration Application

      Select the integration application created in 1.

      Associated Product

      Select the product created in 2.

      Device ID

      Enter the physical identifier of the device, such as the IMEI and MAC address of the device.

      Device Name

      Enter the name of a new device.


      Enter the access password of the device. If you do not specify this parameter, the system automatically generates a value.

      Confirm Password

      Enter the password for confirmation. If you do not set this parameter, the system automatically generates one.


      This parameter specifies whether to enable the device. The device can connect to ROMA Connect only after being enabled. Retain the default value Enabled.

      Device Tag

      Add tags for the device to facilitate search.


      Enter a brief description of the device.