Updated on 2023-01-16 GMT+08:00

Checking the RESTful API Application Demo

Fault Locating

  1. Check whether the BCS instance is named demo, uses the Professional edition, is a private blockchain deployed in a CCE cluster, uses ECDSA for the security mechanism, and has enabled support for RESTful APIs. If support for RESTful APIs was not enabled during BCS instance creation, you can still enable it by installing an add-on after the BCS instance is created.

    To check these details, log in to the BCS console, go to the Instance Management page, and click the target instance to view its details. For details about the configurations required for this demo, see REST API Demo.

  1. Check whether the user certificate has been downloaded and whether parameters in conf.yaml and main.go have been modified.

    Download the user certificate by referring to Downloading SDK Configurations and Certificates.

    For details on how to modify the parameters in the conf.yaml and main.go files, see section "Modify parameter settings" under Configuring the Application.

Demo Problems FAQs
