Updated on 2024-02-21 GMT+08:00


Status Codes

After sending a request, you will receive a response, including a status code, response header, and response body.

A status code is a group of digits, ranging from 1xx to 5xx. It indicates the status of a request. For more information, see Status Codes.

For example, if status code 201 is returned for calling the API used to obtain a user token, the request is successful.

Response Header

Similar to a request, a response also has a header, for example, Content-Type.

Figure 1 shows the response header fields for the API used to obtain a user token. The x-subject-token header field is the desired user token. You can use the token to authenticate other API calls.

Figure 1 Response header for obtaining a user token

Response Body

The body of a response is often returned in structured format as specified in the Content-Type header field. The response body transfers content except the response header.

The following is part of the response body for the API used to obtain a user token. The following describes only part of the request body.

    "token": {
        "expires_at": "2023-02-13T06:52:13.855000Z",
        "methods": [
        "catalog": [
                "endpoints": [
                        "region_id": "aaa", //aaa indicates the region name. Replace it with the actual region name.

If an error occurs during API calling, error code and error message will be displayed. The following shows an error response body:

    "error_msg": "The format of message is error",
    "error_code": "AS.0001"

In the response message body, error_code is an error code, and error_msg provides information about the error.