Help Center/ Edge Security/ API Reference/ Appendix/ Troubleshooting/ EdgeSec.00000013 Concurrent Modification Exception
Updated on 2024-01-04 GMT+08:00

EdgeSec.00000013 Concurrent Modification Exception

Root Cause

This error code is triggered when too many concurrent access requests are performed on APIs.

Troubleshooting and Solution

Event Scenario


Check Items


Creating an edge WAF policy rule

Adding a CC attack protection rule

This error code is triggered when there are a large number of concurrent requests performed on APIs.

Whether concurrent requests are performed on the console.

Retry on the console.

Adding a precise protection rule

Creating a geolocation access control rule

Creating a global whitelist rule

Adding a data masking rule

Check whether users concurrently invoke related APIs.

Reduce the concurrency of invoking related APIs.

Adding an IP address blacklist or whitelist rule

Creating a reference table rule

Creating an edge WAF certificate

Creating an edge WAF address group