Help Center/ Cognitive Engagement Center/ API Reference/ Interface Authentication Modes/ C1 System Configuration Interface Authentication
Updated on 2023-09-27 GMT+08:00

C1 System Configuration Interface Authentication


The API Fabric generates a token.

URL: https://Domain address/apigovernance/api/oauth/tokenByAkSk

Replace Domain address with the actual address or domain name of the CEC.

For example, in the Huawei Cloud production environment, replace Domain address with The invoking URL is

Request Header


Content-Type: application/json



X-Token-Expire indicates the token expiration time, in seconds. In this example, the token expiration time is 600 seconds. The maximum value is 3600.

Request Parameters


"app_key": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",

"app_secret": "yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy"


  • app_key indicates the app ID. Contact operations personnel to obtain it.
  • app_secret indicates the secret. Contact operations personnel to obtain it.

Response Parameters


"AccessToken": "zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz",

"ApplyType": "Bearer",

"CreateTime": "1545650171",

"Expires": "600",


"AppKey": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",

"UserID": "Anonymous"


AccessToken indicates the token of the API.