Obtaining the Component Configuration List
This API is used to obtain the component configuration list.
GET /v1/{project_id}/cae/applications/{application_id}/components/{component_id}/configurations
Parameter |
Mandatory |
Type |
Description |
project_id |
Yes |
String |
Project ID. See Obtaining a Project ID. |
application_id |
Yes |
String |
Application ID. |
component_id |
Yes |
String |
Component ID. |
Request Parameters
Parameter |
Mandatory |
Type |
Description |
X-Auth-Token |
Yes |
String |
User token.
Maximum characters: 16,384 |
X-Enterprise-Project-ID |
No |
String |
Enterprise project ID.
For more information about enterprise projects and how to obtain enterprise project IDs, see Enterprise Management User Guide. |
X-Environment-ID |
Yes |
String |
Environment ID.
Response Parameters
Status code: 200
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
api_version |
String |
API version. Fixed value: v1. |
kind |
String |
API type. Fixed value: ComponentConfiguration. |
items |
Array of Configuration objects |
Component configuration list. |
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
data |
Component configuration data. |
operated_at |
String |
Operation time. |
operation_id |
String |
Operator ID. |
type |
String |
Component configuration type. Enumerated values:
is_activated |
Boolean |
Whether the configuration takes effect. |
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
spec |
Component configuration data specifications. |
metadata |
ConfigurationDataMetadata object |
Component configuration metadata. |
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
rds_id |
String |
RDS DB instance ID. This parameter is returned when type under Configuration is set to rds. |
rds_db_name |
String |
RDS database name. This parameter is returned when type under Configuration is set to rds. |
rds_address |
String |
RDS database address. This parameter is returned when type under Configuration is set to rds. |
rds_username |
String |
RDS database username. This parameter is returned when type under Configuration is set to rds. |
rds_password |
String |
RDS database password. This parameter is returned when type under Configuration is set to rds. |
rds_port |
String |
RDS database port. This parameter is returned when type under Configuration is set to rds. |
config_center_addr |
String |
Address of the CSE configuration center. This parameter is returned when type under Configuration is set to cse. |
service_center_addr |
String |
Address for service registry and discovery. This parameter is returned when type under Configuration is set to cse. |
cse_id |
String |
CSE engine ID. This parameter is returned when type under Configuration is set to cse. |
envs |
map<string, object> |
Environment variable. This parameter is returned when type under Configuration is set to env. Common environment variables:
ip |
String |
EIP, which is returned when no domain name is configured. |
items |
Array of AccessConfigurationDataItems objects |
Access configuration list. This parameter is returned when type under Configuration is set to access. |
scale_strategy |
String |
AS policy type. This parameter is returned when type under Configuration is set to scaling. Enumerated values:
max_replica_count |
Integer |
Maximum number of instances that can be scaled in an AS policy. This parameter is returned when type under Configuration is set to scaling. |
min_replica_count |
Integer |
Minimum number of instances that can be scaled in an AS policy. This parameter is returned when type under Configuration is set to scaling. |
advanced |
Advanced settings of an AS policy. This parameter is returned when type under Configuration is set to scaling. |
triggers |
Array of ScaleConfigurationDataTrigger objects |
Trigger list of an AS policy. This parameter is returned when type under Configuration is set to scaling. |
volumes |
Array of VolumeConfigurationDataVolume objects |
Cloud storage configuration list. This parameter is returned when type under Configuration is set to volume. |
livenessProbe |
Liveness probe configuration for health check. This parameter is returned when type under Configuration is set to healthCheck. |
startupProbe |
Startup probe configuration for health check. This parameter is returned when type under Configuration is set to healthCheck. |
readinessProbe |
Readiness probe configuration for health check. This parameter is returned when type under Configuration is set to healthCheck. |
postStart |
postStart object |
Post-startup processing configured for lifecycle management. This parameter is returned when type under Configuration is set to lifecycle. |
preStop |
preStop object |
Pre-stop processing configured for lifecycle management. This parameter is returned when type under Configuration is set to lifecycle. |
log_paths |
Array of strings |
Custom log path array. This parameter is returned when type under Configuration is set to log. |
instrumentation |
String |
Agent injection mode. This parameter is returned when type under Configuration is set to apm2. |
apm_application |
String |
APM 2.0 application. This parameter is returned when type under Configuration is set to apm2. |
type |
String |
Monitoring system type, including apm2. This parameter is returned when type under Configuration is set to apm2. |
app_name |
String |
APM 2.0 component. This parameter is returned when type under Configuration is set to apm2. |
instance_name |
String |
APM 2.0 instance. This parameter is returned when type under Configuration is set to apm2. |
env_name |
String |
APM 2.0 environment. This parameter is returned when type under Configuration is set to apm2. |
image_pull_policy |
String |
Agent image update policy, which has been discarded and migrated to the monitoring system.
This parameter is returned when type under Configuration is set to apm2. |
version |
String |
Enhanced Agent version, which has been discarded and migrated to the monitoring system. This parameter is returned when type under Configuration is set to apm2. |
access_key |
String |
APM 2.0 access key, which has been discarded and migrated to the monitoring system. This parameter is returned when type under Configuration is set to apm2. |
access_value |
String |
APM 2.0 access key value, which has been discarded and migrated to the monitoring system. This parameter is returned when type under Configuration is set to apm2. |
business |
String |
APM 2.0 application, which is the same as apm_application and has been discarded. This parameter is returned when type under Configuration is set to apm2. |
path |
String |
Collection path for custom metric monitoring. This parameter is returned when type under Configuration is set to customMetric. |
port |
String |
Collection port for custom metric monitoring. This parameter is returned when type under Configuration is set to customMetric. |
metrics |
Array of strings |
Metric for custom monitoring. This parameter is returned when type under Configuration is set to customMetric. |
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
type |
String |
Access mode. Enumerated values:
domain_names |
String |
Domain name for private network access. |
access_control |
AccessControl object |
Access control configuration. Blacklists and whitelists can be configured. |
ports |
Array of AccessConfigurationPort objects |
Access information, such as the port, protocol, certificate, and URL. |
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
black |
Array of strings |
Blacklist array.
white |
Array of strings |
Whitelist array.
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
target_port |
Integer |
Listening port. |
port |
Integer |
Access port. |
protocol |
String |
Protocol. Load balancing supports TCP, HTTP, and HTTPS while route configuration supports HTTP and HTTPS. Enumerated values:
default_certificate |
String |
Default certificate, which is configured when the access mode is set to Ingress and protocol is set to HTTPS. It will be used if SNI is not configured. |
certificate |
String |
Certificate. |
policy |
String |
Security policy. Enumerated values:
paths |
Array of AccessConfigurationHttpPath objects |
Path and domain name for matching. |
elb_id |
String |
Selected ELB ID. |
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
hostname |
String |
Domain name. If it is left blank, the IP address is used. |
path |
String |
URL. |
url_match_mode |
String |
URL path matching mode. Options: STARTS_WITH, REGEX, and EQUAL_TO. Enumerated values:
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
scaledown_stabilization_seconds |
Integer |
Cooling time window for scale-in. |
scaledown_rate |
Integer |
Scale-in step. |
scaleup_stabilization_seconds |
Integer |
Cooling time window for scale-out. |
scaleup_rate |
Integer |
Scale-out step. |
disable_scaledown |
Boolean |
Whether to disable automatic scale-in. |
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
type |
String |
Metric type. Enumerated values:
metadata |
ScalingTriggerMeta object |
Metadata. |
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
type |
String |
Data type, which can only be Utilization. This parameter is mandatory when type under ScaleConfigurationDataTrigger is set to cpu or memory. |
value |
String |
Threshold for triggering scaling. This parameter is mandatory when type under ScaleConfigurationDataTrigger is set to cpu or memory. |
period_type |
String |
Validity period. This parameter is mandatory when type under ScaleConfigurationDataTrigger is set to cron. Enumerated values:
schedulers |
Array of CronTriggerScheduler objects |
Time when the scaling is triggered and number of instances triggered in each period. This parameter is mandatory when type under ScaleConfigurationDataTrigger is set to cron. |
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
cron |
String |
Trigger time, which is a cron expression consisting of five fields. |
target_replica |
Integer |
Number of required instances. |
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
volume_id |
String |
Cloud storage ID. |
resource_name |
String |
Cloud storage name. |
resource_type |
String |
Resource type. Enumerated values:
resource_sub_type |
String |
Resource sub-type. Enumerated values:
umask |
String |
Default permission on a directory or file. SFS 3.0 cloud storage does not support this parameter. Default value: 0027. |
mount_info |
Array of VolumeConfigurationMountInfo objects |
Cloud storage mounting information. |
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
path |
String |
Container mount path. |
sub_path |
String |
Sub-path. |
access_mode |
String |
Read or write permission. Enumerated values:
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
periodSeconds |
Integer |
Detection period. Unit: second. |
initialDelaySeconds |
Integer |
Latency. Unit: second. |
timeoutSeconds |
Integer |
Timeout. Unit: second. |
successThreshold |
Integer |
Success threshold. |
failureThreshold |
Integer |
Failure threshold. |
httpGet |
HTTP request check information in the health check configuration. |
tcpSocket |
TCP port check information in the health check configuration. |
exec |
HealthCheckConfigurationExec object |
Command check information in the health check configuration. |
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
periodSeconds |
Integer |
Detection period. Unit: second. |
initialDelaySeconds |
Integer |
Latency. Unit: second. |
timeoutSeconds |
Integer |
Timeout. Unit: second. |
successThreshold |
Integer |
Success threshold. |
failureThreshold |
Integer |
Failure threshold. |
httpGet |
HTTP request check information in the health check configuration. |
tcpSocket |
TCP port check information in the health check configuration. |
exec |
HealthCheckConfigurationExec object |
Command check information in the health check configuration. |
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
periodSeconds |
Integer |
Detection period. Unit: second. |
initialDelaySeconds |
Integer |
Latency. Unit: second. |
timeoutSeconds |
Integer |
Timeout. Unit: second. |
successThreshold |
Integer |
Success threshold. |
failureThreshold |
Integer |
Failure threshold. |
httpGet |
HTTP request check information in the health check configuration. |
tcpSocket |
TCP port check information in the health check configuration. |
exec |
HealthCheckConfigurationExec object |
Command check information in the health check configuration. |
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
path |
String |
URL. |
port |
String |
Port. |
scheme |
String |
Protocol. Enumerated values:
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
command |
Array of strings |
Shell statement. |
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
exec |
LifeCycleConfigurationExec object |
Command to execute. |
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
exec |
LifeCycleConfigurationExec object |
Command to execute. |
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
command |
Array of strings |
Shell statement. |
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
annotations |
Map<String,String> |
Additional parameters. Assume that you need to use the weighted round robin algorithm for load balancing and disable health check. Configuration example:
Example Request
Obtain the component configuration list.
GET https://{endpoint}/v1/{project_id}/cae/applications/{application_id}/components/{component_id}/configurations
Example Response
Status code: 200
The request is successful.
{ "api_version" : "v1", "kind" : "ComponentConfiguration", "items" : [ { "type" : "env", "data" : { "spec" : { "envs" : { "TZ" : "Asia/Shanghai" }, "env_references" : [ { "env_name" : "test", "value_from" : { "name" : "test", "reference_type" : "dewSecret" } } ] } }, "operation_id" : "68e82e30-190d-40b2-9680-98a66ccb2f8f", "operated_at" : "2023-02-16T06:35:46.23126Z", "is_activated" : true }, { "type" : "volume", "data" : { "spec" : { "volumes" : [ { "volume_id" : "bef119d0-c7d1-4b58-9794-8b74faf80a59", "resource_name" : "test-nacos", "resource_type" : "", "resource_sub_type" : "object_bucket", "mount_info" : [ { "path" : "/tmp", "access_mode" : "ReadWriteMany", "create_time" : "2023-02-16T03:22:59.599Z" } ] }, { "volume_id" : "a061934d-52e3-4b36-aea7-6c51879f84c9", "resource_name" : "test", "resource_type" : "", "resource_sub_type" : "parallel_file_system", "mount_info" : [ { "path" : "/temp", "access_mode" : "ReadWriteMany", "create_time" : "2023-02-16T03:25:08.841Z" } ] } ] } }, "operation_id" : "68e82e30-190d-40b2-9680-98a66ccb2f8f", "operated_at" : "2023-02-16T06:35:46.23126Z", "is_activated" : true }, { "type" : "rds", "data" : { "spec" : { "rds_id" : "a5fdee4cf88c4277a68688a014f444bdin01", "rds_port" : "", "rds_address" : "100.xx.xx.xxx", "rds_db_name" : "cae", "rds_password" : "xxx", "rds_username" : "cae" } }, "operation_id" : "b4ce410c-3ac3-40ae-9f11-0c8b98c2df19", "operated_at" : "2023-02-16T02:14:03.416282Z", "is_activated" : true }, { "type" : "scaling", "data" : { "spec" : { "scale_strategy" : "mix", "max_replica_count" : 2, "min_replica_count" : 1, "advanced" : { "scaledown_stabilization_seconds" : 300, "scaledown_rate" : 99, "scaleup_stabilization_seconds" : 0, "scaleup_rate" : 4, "disable_scaledown" : false }, "triggers" : [ { "metadata" : { "period_type" : "day", "schedulers" : [ { "cron" : "00 01 * * *", "target_replica" : 2 }, { "cron" : "00 02 * * *", "target_replica" : 1 } ] }, "type" : "cron" }, { "metadata" : { "type" : "Utilization", "value" : "10" }, "type" : "cpu" }, { "metadata" : { "type" : "Utilization", "value" : "20" }, "type" : "memory" } ] } }, "operation_id" : "02c81e5a-251b-4921-878e-a8f78efbadd1", "operated_at" : "2023-02-16T07:03:07.711734Z", "is_activated" : true }, { "type" : "access", "data" : { "metadata" : { "annotations" : { "deployBackend" : "k8s", "kubernetes.io/elb.health-check-flag" : "off", "kubernetes.io/elb.lb-algorithm" : "ROUND_ROBIN" } }, "spec" : { "ip" : "100.xx.xx.xxx", "items" : [ { "type" : "ClusterIP", "domain_names" : [ "test-test-config" ], "ports" : [ { "ip" : "", "name" : "loadBalancer-5x095cix5deo", "target_port" : 80, "port" : 8080, "protocol" : "TCP" } ] }, { "type" : "LoadBalancer", "access_control" : { "type" : "white", "ip_list" : [ "" ] }, "elb_id" : "f5de88cc-64be-4f70-ac17-db745eb12345", "ports" : [ { "ip" : "", "name" : "loadBalancer-0yzp5ud3w2pa", "target_port" : 80, "port" : 8080, "protocol" : "TCP" } ] } ] }, "ref" : { "id" : "f5de88cc-64be-4f70-ac17-db745eb76e67" } }, "operation_id" : "68e82e30-190d-40b2-9680-98a66ccb2f8f", "operated_at" : "2023-02-16T06:35:46.23126Z", "is_activated" : true }, { "type" : "lifecycle", "data" : { "api_version" : "v1", "kind" : "lifecycle", "spec" : { "postStart" : { "exec" : { "command" : [ "/bin/sh", "-c", "echo service start" ] } }, "preStop" : { "exec" : { "command" : [ "/bin/sh", "-c", "echo service end" ] } } } }, "operation_id" : "69bcf986-6f83-4f43-9ca1-595684ba0748", "operated_at" : "2023-02-16T07:05:05.610439Z", "is_activated" : true }, { "type" : "cse", "data" : { "spec" : { "cse_id" : "25779525-1aac-44be-abda-f9164f1b41b8", "config_center_addr" : "https://192.168.1.xxx:30103,https://192.168.1.xxx:30103", "service_center_addr" : "https://192.168.1.xxx:30100,https://192.168.1.xxx:30100" } }, "operation_id" : "945305ee-8be5-4826-9215-45a0b545ed13", "operated_at" : "2023-02-16T07:10:38.937075Z", "is_activated" : true }, { "type" : "healthCheck", "data" : { "spec" : { "livenessProbe" : { "httpGet" : { "path" : "", "port" : 80, "scheme" : "HTTP" }, "initialDelaySeconds" : 0, "timeoutSeconds" : 1, "periodSeconds" : 10, "successThreshold" : 1, "failureThreshold" : 3 }, "readinessProbe" : { "httpGet" : { "path" : "", "port" : 80, "scheme" : "HTTP" }, "initialDelaySeconds" : 0, "timeoutSeconds" : 1, "periodSeconds" : 10, "successThreshold" : 1, "failureThreshold" : 3 }, "startupProbe" : { "httpGet" : { "path" : "", "port" : 80, "scheme" : "HTTP", "httpHeaders" : [ { "name" : "x-auth-token", "value" : "xxx" } ] }, "initialDelaySeconds" : 0, "timeoutSeconds" : 1, "periodSeconds" : 10, "successThreshold" : 1, "failureThreshold" : 3 } } }, "operation_id" : "2361fba9-ee7e-405d-8b05-afc945a43e65", "operated_at" : "2023-02-16T07:07:23.193231Z", "is_activated" : true }, { "type" : "customMetric", "data" : { "metadata" : { "annotations" : { "deployBackend" : "k8s" }, "created_at" : "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z", "updated_at" : "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z" }, "spec" : { "port" : 2112, "path" : "/metrics", "metrics" : [ "myapp_processed_ops_total" ] }, "ref" : { "id" : "17b7f411-5a34-4319-abfc-34f6cf774a44" } }, "operation_id" : "a79a7c8d-6d5e-41ec-892b-973d11f5e835", "operated_at" : "2023-08-30T11:21:22.222476Z", "is_activated" : false } ] }
Status Code
Status Code |
Description |
200 |
The request is successful. |
Error Code
For details, see Error Codes.
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